xi. don't mess with kiara

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xi. don't mess with kiara

NEVEAH GLANCED AROUND The Great Hall, tugging at her dress that Lily forced on her. She could see Kiara dancing with Cameron, their heads touching, causing her to smile. Kiara may not have realised it but Neveah truly cared for her and in sixty years when they were all old and grey, Neveah wouldn't cease to rub it in her face that she was the reason Kiara could come to the ball and without her she wouldn't even be in this position with Cameron. Neveah felt a gentle tap on her shoulder, she turned around and saw Sirius dressed in a muggle suit with a rose in his hand.

"What do you want, Black?" Neveah crossed her arms, looking around the hall. She wished she had Nush to come save her but since she was a year younger and wasn't asked by a seventh year she couldn't come. Neveah offered her a chance to go but Nush was quick to decline, Neveah had a feeling it was because of a certain sixth year Slytherin.

"I wasn't expecting you to come," Sirius said, scratching the back of his neck.

"And still you brought me something," She gestured at the rose.

"For you," He handed her the rose, tapping his foot nervously.

"A rose won't make me forgive you," Neveah bit her lip. "Plus I prefer gardenias."

"Well I'll make sure to remember that," Sirius offered her his arm. "Come dance with me."

"If you say so," Neveah grabbed his arm and they walked into the center of the hall which was filled with people dancing.

"Hey Nev!" Lily exclaimed, drunkenly giving her a hug. "I didn't think you would come."

Neveah hugged her back and turned to James who stood behind her, "You spiked the pumpkin juice."

"Wrong, Remus spiked the pumpkin juice." James corrected, holding Lily's shoulders so she wouldn't fall.

"Same thing," Neveah huffed. "Either way you got her drunk."

"Not drunk, tipsy," James shook his head. "She's alright, right Lilyflower?"

"I'm alright," Lily mumbled. Her knees buckled but before she could fall James caught her, stumbling around until they were balanced.

Neveah bent down and took of Lily's heels, "Your keeping these for her, Potter. And don't let her put them on again."

"Yes ma'am," James saluted. Lily nearly tripped but he was quick to grip her shoulder. He nodded at Neveah and Sirius then guided Lily away so she could sit down.

The song changed, Sirius took Neveah's hand and twirled her around until her hands were resting on his chest. Neveah put her hands around Sirius's neck and danced with him, taking comfort in his body. The music was blaring and the two couldn't hear each other unless they yelled causing them to dance in a comfortable silence. Sirius put a hand under Neveah's chin and pulled her forward, giving her a peck on the lips and returned to dancing, swaying to the beat of the song.

Liam marched into The Great Hall and saw Sirius and Neveah, he went up to them and pushed Sirius away from Neveah, pulling him forwards aggressively. "What's Kiara doing with that loser? I didn't pay you to go out with Neveah so that some little punk could stay here and be with Kiara!"

Neveah stopped dancing, turning to face Sirius who stood there with a miserable look on his face. She scoffed, "Nothing in it for you, huh."

Neveah couldn't believe it, she opened up to someone which she hadn't done in a long time, just for her to realise the whole thing was fake. Sirius was a complete waste of her time, she thought they had something special, something different to her last relationship but it was exactly the same. She stormed off, barging past Sirius's shoulder angrily. Sirius shook his head and ran after her. James stood up from where he sat with Lily and approached Cameron who was drinking pumpkin juice.

"We're in deep shit," James muttered, pointing at where a storming Liam stood. He pulled Cameron's sleeve and went up to Liam who pushed him away once he saw Cameron behind him. James stood up, straightening his collar and preparing to fight Liam, he stepped back once he saw that he was talking to Cameron.

"You messed with the wrong guy," Cameron walked past Liam. "Now your going to pay, you and that little bitch."

Cameron turned around, "Alright, that's enough, you've crossed the line-"

He was cut off by Liam punching him. Liam moved forwards, "Oh come on, get up, you little punk."

Someone tapped Liam's shoulder, he turned around but before he could identify who it was he was cut off by them punching him hard, the sound echoing around the room.

"That's for making my date bleed," Kiara yelled. She punched him again, "That's for my sister."

She kneed him in the groin, pushing him down afterwards, "And that's for me."

Kiara helped Cameron up, who stared at her mesmerised. "Are you okay?"

"Never better." Kiara pulled him close and kissed him, relishing in that moment. She had finally gotten a boyfriend and Liam had gotten what he deserved. She mentally grinned at the image of him laying on the floor, clutching his pants painfully, everybody walking past him. No mercy for teenage boys who only wanted to play with girls feelings, especially for a bet.

MEANWHILE, OUTSIDE THE Great Hall, Neveah and Sirius were having a shouting match. Neveah knew she was wasting her time on him, there was nothing more that she wanted than to stay away from him and never see him again after the end of the year, but she knew there was a part of her that wanted her to hear him out, hoping that it was a misunderstanding.

Life just wasn't like that.

"Would you give me a chance-"

"You were paid to take me out by the one person I truly hate, I knew this was a set up!" She raced past him but Sirius pulled her back.

"Nev, it wasn't like that, okay!" Sirius exclaimed.

Neveah turned around, facing him, "Really? What was it like, a down-payment now and a bonus for sleeping with me?"

"I didn't care about the money, okay!" Sirius stopped. "I cared about you."

"You are so not what I thought you were." Neveah turned around but Sirius pulled her back, pulling her into a kiss. Neveah pushed him away, running up a random staircase that she didn't have a clue where it lead, anything to get away from Sirius.

Kiara stopped in her tracks, watching Sirius who watched Neveah until he couldn't see her anymore. Sirius sighed, looking defeated and turned around, noticing Kiara's prescence. They stood their in silence, not knowing what to say.

They both knew one thing for sure, Karma's a bitch.

authors note
okay so my plan is that there will be one more chapter and then i'm going to unpublish it, do some editing, make a new layout and add a few bonus chapters

idk whether i'm excited or just rlly sad

idk whether i'm excited or just rlly sad

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