vi. neveah gets a life

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vi. neveah gets a life

SIRIUS WALKED INTO THE library, siriusly, was this the only place Neveah went! He saw her in the corner of the vast room, sitting opposite some girl and she looked to be explaining something. Sirius grinned and walked up to them, plopping down next to Neveah and putting an arm around her, which she was quick to take off.

"Go away, Black," Neveah huffed, she had had seen enough of Sirius in that one day to last her a year.

"That's no way to say hello to your date to the party, is it?" Sirius teased.

"You got a date with Sirius Black?" Nush questioned, not believing him for a second. Sirius nodded while Neveah shook her head, sighing when she saw Sirius nod.

"We don't have a date," Neveah said, practically screaming.

"That's what you think," Sirius winked.

Nush laughed, "Sure doesn't seem like your dating."

"Because we aren't!" Neveah said, pouding her head on the table.

"No need to get so heated, love," Sirius smirked, causing Nush to laugh.

"He called you love!"

"Don't call me love, Black," Neveah glared, getting more and more irritated by the second.

"What should he call you then?" Nush asked, smiling as she watched the two interact. It was mostly Sirius trying to do things like hold her hand but Neveah was quick to dodge them.

Before Neveah could answer Sirius interrupted, "How about my girlfriend?"

"That was smooth," Nush grinned, giving Sirius a high five.

"I'm not your girlfriend!" Neveah exclaimed, "Get that in your thick skull and go snog some other girl who actually wants you."

"Ouch," Nush whispered, watching to see what would happen next. "Someone get me some popcorn."

"But your the only one I want," Sirius pouted, seemingly not affected by Neveah's words.

"Go away, Black."

Sirius stood up, "I'll pick you up at 9:30, love."

He ran away before Neveah could disagree, leaving Nush in a fit of laughter and Neveah agitated.

NEVEAH RELUCTANTLY PUT on a pair of earrings. She didn't want to do this but Kiara could be pretty convincing at times. She just wanted to get one thing straight, she wasn't going because of Sirius, she was going because Kiara wanted to be a 'normal' teenager and wanted to have a 'normal' sister who actually went to parties and did other cool things.

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