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Casefile: #17
Name: Nishinoya Yuu
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Occupation: Student
Criminal background: -
Cause of death: Stabbed 51 times

Note: Double case with Casefile #16. First and only recorded double homicide in X's criminal record. Reasons for the double homicide are yet to be known. Both victims were found in their apartment, times of death barely differ. The bodies were subject to acid, therefore removing any possible signs of X's DNA.






"There, this should be good..." Akaashi mumbled to himself as he tightened the cords around Tanaka's limbs with all his might, probably stopping blood flow into them, but not like that mattered anyway - he won't need his limbs.

As he looked at the clock on the counter, he remembered that his friend was coming back in a couple of hours, Tanaka will probably regain consciousness soon enough - should he wait for the other to come back, attack him and kill them both simultaneously or should he take care of Tanaka now and not worry about it later?

"Hmm... what would be more satisfying?" Akaashi asked himself, now leaning against the door frame, looking at Tanaka bound on the floor, his mouth duct-taped shut with extra strong insulation tape, Akaashi found that those ones are the sturdiest and can rip your skin off if removed too quickly. He had wrapped it nicely around Tanaka's head.

"Can't decide..." Akaashi murmured to himself again. He walked back into the room, walking behind Tanaka to inspect the wound, that he had also taped up, you know, to stop bleeding - he's a nice man after all. His knife, now in his hand, Akaashi had an urge to just slice and dice him up, maybe leave a little message to taunt the detectives, maybe even make a pointless threat - but where's the fun in that?

It's much scarier when you have a silent serial killer on the loose, one that never leaves clues - no one knows if they are safe. Akaashi had felt that the public had relaxed too much, perhaps it was time to get them back to their homes. As Akaashi looked around, he could see many pictures of Tanaka and his friends - that other guy from the station and... oh, the boy Akaashi had dragged into the woods. 

"Oh, my, what a coincidence," Akaashi thought to himself, devising a perfect plan in his head. "Hmm... I know what I will do", through his teeth escaped a burst of laughter, but one that held no joy - Akaashi's twisted heart cried out for him to not do anything stupid, but he had already decided the best way for them to suffer.

Just as he was about to kick Tanaka in hopes of checking whether he is conscious, Tanaka's phone buzzed on the table nearby - it was his roommate. "Coming back now? Picking up some beer? Oh, that's just splendid. The faster you come, the faster we can play..." Akaashi whispered to himself as he read the message displayed on the screen.

A muffled noise coming from Tanaka's side jerked Akaashi's head to the side, he watched intensively as Tanaka's struggled to open his eyes, trying to break his hand free, but to no luck. Finally, his eyes shot open and his pupils stared at the man towering above him - a figure of darkness, shrouded in an aura of bloodlust.

He wanted to say something but the tape around his mouth was too strong, so all Tanaka could do was trash around on the floor while a plethora of noises escaped his body - moans of pain and fear. His eyes kept darting to Akaashi who had not moved a centimeter since he woke up, in reality, Akaashi was feasting his eyes upon the view.

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