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Case file: #4
Name: Kenjirō Shirabu
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Occupation: -
Criminal background: Arrested for shoplifting 7 times. Suspected for pickpocketing.
Cause of death: Stabbed 12 times.

"That could have been me or him! What is going on in this  town? Akaashi, do you know anything?" Bokuto panicked as he pointed to the TV screen.

"I haven't talked to the detectives in a while, why are you so panicky?" Akaashi continued on going through his papers, he got a new case so he wanted to focus on just that.

"Because there's a serial killer on the loose, Akaashi! I'm afraid he might hurt you! They call him X and have already pinned 4 recent murders to him!" Bokuto's eyes were wide, he couldn't believe this was happening.

This part of the city was always so peaceful and now suddenly there's a killer, roaming the streets. Who knows, maybe he's a close friend or a relative! This whole thing just hurt Bokuto's head.

"Calm down, I doubt you're in any danger" Akaashi sighed, he really considered just locking himself in his room and staying there. Bokuto was getting on his nerves and that wasn't good.

"Maybe, but you could be in danger! What if they decide to hurt you? Do you how dangerous it is to walk around when it's late?" Bokuto wasn't going to calm down any time soon, so Akaashi decided to check on some of his friends back in the police station.

Though, going to the police station was kinda weird. Akaashi's thoughts of turning himself in for all the bad things he had done had passed and he honestly stopped caring. Though, he was still slightly afraid of being caught.

"I'll be heading to the police station to gather some information. Stay here and try not to burn the house down" he said as he stood up, startling the other male.

"Be fucking careful!" Bokuto exclaimed.

It has been a couple of weeks since the last murder, but the news wasn't dying down, especially after the murders were connected. A serial killer, huh? What an awful title for such a respected and loved lawyer like Akaashi.

One bad thing, Akaashi's hands were starting to itch. The knife he carried in his bag was almost calling him. The whole situation was similar to that when a person gets their first tattoo and then start wanting more.

Honestly, it wasn't good. Sometimes Akaashi would black out and do God knows what, he'd have nightmares of what he had done. Unfortunately, the only way to temporarily stop them would be to find a new victim.

"I will be" Akaashi said in response, laughing internally. Be careful of himself? Not a bad piece of advice, considering that his murderous instincts could he triggered at any moment now.

Akaashi finally left the house after listening to Bokuto's lecture about how he should be careful and if someone is following him, he should call the police. It was already 7 PM when he started heading for the police station.

It wasn't too far away which was the only reason why Akaashi didn't take a taxi. He tried to avoid as much human interaction as possible these past few days.

The police were actually patrolling the area and they stopped when they saw Akaashi casually walking and minding his own business.

"Keiji-san?" A voice spoke from the police car making Akaashi turn his head.

"Tobio? You're patrolling alone?" Akaashi asked as he got closer to the open window.

"Yeah, I was actually heading back to the station! You shouldn't be heading out at this time, you know who's out" Kageyama spoke with genuine concern in his voice.

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