~Chapter Two~

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•Brittany's POV•

I heard a little scream from next door. I'm guessing it was Brooke, I can recognize her short high pitched scream anywhere. I can tell she is excited about something. It's that or she saw a bug though... Its getting close to me and Brooke's birthday so she probably got an early gift. I want to see what happened and we live next door so I can just walk over to her house.

Me and Brooke are best friends, more like sisters. We can really just walk into each others house and say, "I'm home!" I live next to Brooke and we both live in a town house so our wall is connected (which is kinda weird because I can sort of talk to her through the wall if I speak loudly...)

When I walk through the door Brooke comes running up to me.
"Guess what!!" she asks me excitedly. "Umm... You found a fox and named it The Muffin Man?" I asked.
"Yes, yes I did" Brooke said in a sarcastic tone. "Guess again!"
"Ugh, can't you just tell me already?" I whined.
"Okay fine... I'M GETTING THE CAR I WANT ON MY BIRTHDAY!!" Brooke exclaimed basically screaming the last part.
"OH MEH GAWD! I know exactly the first thing you should do with your car... TAKE ME TO THE MALLL. Haha, just kidding. But there has to be a time when we go to the mall together, the last time was like six months ago..."
"Okay then... well lets get ready for school, we only have half an hour." Brooke told me as she started walking upstairs to her room.


Brooke picks out a pink skirt with a cute beige and black long sleeved shirt that has a butterfly printed in the front. She braids her long, blond hair and pushes it to the side.

Sisters? Sisters. *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now