~Chapter Three~

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•Brooke's POV•
"Do you like this shirt or this shirt?" I asked Brittany holding up a light pastel pink crop top and a black and beige top that has a grey butterfly printed on the front.

"Ummm, go with the black." Brittany said.

"Okay, let me guess, you need to borrow something?" I said gesturing to my closet.

"Yeah." Brittany said laughing.

"Go ahead anything you want!" I laughed. She picked a pretty, dark blue skirt and a shirt similar to mine. We pretty much share all of our clothes because we are the same size. Brittany then just brushed her brown hair and kept it down.

A few minutes later we were ready, we had makeup, hair, and clothes done. Now we just had to get to school. It's only a few minutes from our houses so we could walk to school.

"So what do you want for your birthday?" I asked Brittany casually.

"I wanna know who my birth mother is. I wanna know if I have any brothers or sisters." Brittany said.

"Interesting, I wanna know that too!" I said getting excited.

We walked into school and changed our books quickly then ran to first period. As soon as we sat down in our seats the bell rang. I hate school. So this is gonna be a long day.
"Last week of school!" I said excitedly to Brittany. "Well until spring break and our birthday!" Brittany corrects me. "Whatever! We still have a break!" I said. "Thank goodness our birthday is during spring break!" Brittany said relieved. We walked over to our normal table with a few of our other friends, and had small talk conversations until lunch was over.

Sisters? Sisters. *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now