~Chapter Thirty~

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•Brittany's POV•
Today Brooke and I are going to meet our birth parents. I guess they were friends and still are. It's pretty cool that Brooke and I ended up living right next to each other, we became best friends, and our birth parents might be friends too.

"Brooke!" I scream as she comes into my room. I haven't seen her since yesterday. That a lot for us.

"Hey.." Brooke seems bummed. Maybe it's because tomorrow is the first day back to school from spring break.

"Oh come on, we are both going to see our parents today! You should be exited!" I exclaim.

"Sorry, I just had a crazy day yesterday." She looks down at her feet. Brooke can't tell me she had a crazy day without tell me about it.

"And?" I say expecting her to tell me. For almost ten minutes she explains everything, like going to Andrew's and having a mood changing scar.

"To me, that would make me scared or something, not sad." I say honestly.

"Well, I just a wish that Andrews dad liked me." She mutters.

"How about we continue talking about this when we are home from meeting our parents? I have to get ready, sorry." I say as I give her an apologetic look. I would help her not be all cranky about all this stuff, but I really don't want to be late and I don't think Brooke does either.

After she says okay we pick out outfits for each other. I think Brooke should wear a coral colored tank top with jeans, matching coral colored Vans, and a braid in her hair. She picked out a white shirt with jeans, floral Vans, and a doughnut bun in my hair for me. I think we both like our outfits because we change into them right away.

We are meeting our parents at a fancy French restaurant at 7:00. It's 6:30 and its twenty minutes away.

"Ready Brittany? Because you better be ready soon or we are late!" Brooke yells from downstairs. It's almost hard to believe she got that mood changing scar out of her...

"Yeah, I'll be down in a few seconds!" I yell back at her. I just need to find my phone.

Beep beep

Well I guess I found my phone now. I got a text from Jason. Wow, I feel like I haven't talked to him in a while.

From Jason
Hey, want to hang out today?


From me
I would love to! But not today... Sorry, I have to go though. Bye

I kind of feel bad because this is the last day of spring break so we might not have a lot of time to see each other during school.

From Jason
Okay bye, maybe this weekend though :)

Of course he would ask that right as I say goodbye.

From me
Okay fine, but this is bye! For the last time today XD

After he texts me goodbye I put my phone in my pocket and run downstairs.

"You took long enough," Brooke scoffs pretending to be mad. I can tell she isn't really mad because she's trying to hide her smile.

"Come on, let's get in the car." I lightly laughed.


When we got to the restaurant the hostess took us to our table. Only one of our parents wear here. It was epithet mine or Brooke's. But why wasn't there any extra chairs for the parents taut aren't here yet...

I can tell Brooke was thinking the same thing because she gave me a confused looks and I just gave her that I-don't-even-know face and shrugged.

As soon as we sat down the parents looked up from their menus and smiled. "We are so happy you guys ended staying together! When we had to put you up for adoption, we were afraid you would be separated. I'm just happy your both here today." One of our moms said.

I couldn't help but ask... "Are you talking to me or Brooke? And are you Brooke or my mom?"

"She was talking to both of you, silly goose! And we are both of your parents" One of our fathers told us.

Brooke and I exchange looks. I think we are both thinking the same thing...
So we are best friends and sisters?! Why did nobody tell us!!?

The rest of the dinner was pretty quiet until our dad said, "So you two thought you were just really good friends--"

Brooke cut him off and corrected him, "Best friends."

"Okay, best friends. But you never knew you were sisters?" He asked with a shocked look on his face.

"No one told us." I told him.

"Not even the orphanage?" Our mother asked.

"Even if they told us they obviously didn't tell either of our parents. We were adopted almost as soon as we got to the orphanage, so we were like two. We wouldn't have remembered if the orphanage told us. And my parents were next door neighbors with Brooke's." I answered.

I think our mom was about to ask another stupid question and I was going to have to explain the answer, but Brooke has a question for our parents.

"Why did you give us away?" Brooke says on the verge of crying.


Hey, I hope you like this chapter! I've been writing this in the car over the past like 2 hours XD. I'm pretty much in the middle of nowhere atm so I thought hey! Why don't I start my chapter for Sisters? Sisters. Lol

Sisters? Sisters. *UNDER EXTREME EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now