Baby Bump

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(There is a bit of a time skip this is exactly a month ish after Izuku had told his mom about his pregnancy , I had gotten one request I will do part of your request and I will 100% do your full request for a short mini chapter once I finished this book I hope you can be patient until then I'm still in school and this is the least of my worries right now I hope you under stand and thank you for all the support! - Neeko)
I got up one morning a little bit after I had told my mother about my pregnancy . I of course was scared but my mom was there for me through everything. I started online classes,I didn't even tell my teachers or friends not like I had any but still I just left. I finally told mom about how everyone including teachers would bully me at school for being quirkless.
"I'm so sorry Izuku ,my baby!" She said as she hugged me when I had to told her. I was pretty hectic around the place but it was to be expected.
"Mom! I can't find my phone have you seen it?" I said rushing around the house. I needed my phone today cause I had forgotten when the appointment was for the baby was it today or tomorrow?!? Ughhh whennn.
I started to tear up.
"I'm just a bad mom already..." I said hoping my mom didn't hear me.
"IZUKU!" Don't you dare say that! And you shouldn't be running around like that!"
"Mom I'm not even showing I'll be fin-"
I stoped abruptly and turned to the side facing the mirror and put a hand on my stomach.
I looked in the mirror to notice my stomach was extended buy a bit but it was extended.
"Mom" I said. She continued rushing around the house telling me that I'm a good mom.
"Mom." I said more sternly.
"MOM!" I shout. She stopped and turned to me.
"Look" I pointed to my stomach. Which resulted in my mom being in tears.
"Oh my god!" She screamed and came over to me. I smiled at her.
"You finally are accepting the baby..." she said sniffing.
"Awwww my babies all grown up" she said holding up my phone.
"The appointment is-in 20 minutes!!" She said as her face whitened as she read what was labeled as the event of today. We dash out the door and drive to the hospital.
Once we arrived we got out of the car.  And dash as fast as I can to the door. As soon as we came in through the door.
"Izuku Midoryia?" A nurse said. I tried to slow down my breathing, mom and I followed the nurse to the back room. She turned to face me and mom.
"In the near future please don't run into an appointment it's not good for the baby " she said before leaving the room. I finally caught my breath. I sat on the examination chair in the room as my mom sat down in one of the plain chair in the room.
"Izuku are you excited?" She asked.
I nodded I honestly didn't know what to say but I smiled at her while I moved my feet back and forth.
"Hello Izuku" the doctor said as he walked into the room with papers which I assumed was my chart. He sat down in the wheeled chair and scooted closer to the Monitor.
"Let's check out this baby!" He said with a smile. He grabbed the gel and told me the words he said before.
"The gel will be cold" the only sound in the room was the squirt of the gel on to my small rounded stomach.
"You are a little bigger then I want at how far you are I'm just going to look into that" he said moving the wand over to the left side. He stopped. Looked at my mother.
"Mrs. Midoryia would you come a little closer" this made me very nervous and tears started to form in my green eyes.
"Oh my..." was the answer my mom gave him as she started to cry. That was the last straw for me I started to sob.
"Oh.. no Izuku..just look" mom said as she pointed to the screen. As she did I seen two little blobs on the screen.
"Honey your having twins!" She said happily.
I was still crying. I looked at my mother.
"Two bundles of joy?" I asked. She nodded before she hugged me.
Omg I...
I can't believe it! Two babies.
As soon as we got in the car. I started to sob uncontrollably.

"Mom am I a bad person?" I asked.
" why would you think that?"
"I still haven't told the father and I'm not planning on it what if they hate me because they don't know who there dad is..." I said looking at the floor ,wiping my tears.
"You are NOT a bad person you have the right to not tell him but honey can you at least tell me who the father is.?" She asked. I guess she could know who but I don't want him to know he hates me enough already.
"Mom-you can't tell him or his parents please" I bagged her. She nodded.
"Kacchan-" I stopped myself. I cleared my throat.
"Katsuki bakugou.." I said. It's strange to say his full name. I looked toward my mother who had hearts in her eyes.
"Oh my god!! Izuku!! I can't believe it!" She said.
"Mom.." I giggled.
"But..his parents should at least know-" I cut her off
"No please mom understand and respect my decision please..." I told her. She finally backed off.
"Alright but if something happens I am going to tell them" I rolled my eyes at her.
"Okay, okay fine ONLY IF something does though" we smiled since we came to an agreement.
Thus began my journey..we started the nursery it was light yellow with light blue lining. We had two black crips side by side in the corner. A black changing table. I smiled as I stood in the room my children will make better. My mom came in with a cup of tea.
"Thanks mom.." I said as I smiled at her.
"We should get them some toys soon just to fill it up a bit" mom said taking a sip of her coffee.
"Yeah! Oh we should get them all might plushies!" I said excitedly. My mom laughed at my reaction on the subject.
We began filling the room with all might or gender neutral clothes and toys a like. It started to feel finished. The only thing we needed was the genders and the babies of course. I can't wait for them to come. I sat on my bed trying to finish my homework. I rubbed my belly I had gotten a bit bigger over the last couple months. Though I'm only 4-5 months.
"Papa loves you...I hope you'll forgive me ..I'm sorry you won't have a dad" I say to my stomach.
With that I slowly drifted off to sleep.
I love you kacchan..please love our kids.
1209 words.

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