Problem and the Dream

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( I got it to work. My Wattpad wasn't letting me publish for a little bit, but my new story is out! The one I talked about last chapter. The first chapter of it is officially out I will be updating more hopefully I hope you enjoy it cause their will be a lot of chapters to come , and sadly this one is coming to an end only 6 more chapters left.- Neeko)

I woke up to the sound of giggling. I shot up.
"Morning honey~"
"Morning...wait honey..hahah Kacchan what's gotten into you.."
"Huh? I always say that. " he went back to cooking.
"Hey old man.." an older looking Kenji more like 7 years old came into the kitchen.
"Where's Izumi?"
"Still sleeping.. of course.."
"Of course.."
"I'll go get him. " I said but just before I could get up.
"No mom you have to rest!" Kenji came over and helped me sit back down. At this point I was confused.
"I'm fine baby it's just up the stairs.."
"Well yeah but the doctor said not to..don't you remember?" I sat trying to think. My mind came to bank.
"Kenji just get your brother.." Kacchan said before bringing his attention back to the food he was preparing, Kenji nodded and ran back up the stairs to fetch his twin brother.
"Izu, are you okay? I know the doctor said it would be difficult for you but I didn't think you wouldn't remember things.. was this how it was during your first pregnancy?"
My what? I looked down and noticed my slightly swollen belly.
"Wha-, when did"
My eye open only to see kacchan.
"Hey finally good morning"
"Where are the twins?"
"Look bedside you.."
I look down to see my two boys who we're in fact still 2 years old. I sighed.
So then was that dream?
Kacchan then gave me a look .
"You seemed to be dreaming, what was it about?"
"Nothing special.." I smiled. I don't think I'll tell him yet. I want to have a day with my boys, maybe do something fun and new.
"Hey kacchan. Let's do something with the twins today. As a family "
"What did you have in mind?" He asked.
"The zoo?" I smiled. I don't remember the last time I went to a zoo. It's so much more fun when your younger.
We then waited until the twins were up, ready and fed.
"Hey baby's! Do you want to go to the zoo?" I asked then. The two tilted their heads to the side and looked up at me.
"The zoo, is where you see animals.." I then pointed to the Tiger stuffy laying on the ground.
I'm not going to lie the dorms living room floor is messy. Mostly because of the twins. I'll have to clean that up before we go.
The two looked Excitedly towards the stuffed animal then looked up at me. I can see their eyes shining.
"Too. Too. Animls! " I giggled at their chanting. Kacchan smirked before getting ready himself and helping clean up.
We finally are able to leave the dorms, with permission from the teachers.
We stood at the bus stop with the two boys in their stroller. I sat down on the bench next to an older women.
"Aw aren't they cute, are they your siblings?, I just wish my older kids would have done what you are doing with their younger siblings. Your parents must have raised you good" she said. I looked down at my twins.
"Uh, yeah I guess.."
"What's wrong..? You don't sound to pleased with what I said, I was just happy people were raising their kids nice for a change now a days "
"Well, it's not what you said I agree with you on the siblings helping siblings thing, but I'm not their brother"
" oh sorry, your their babysitter, still you seem like you love them."
"Um I'm not their babysitter either-"
"Did you kidnap them!?" She gasped catching the attention of the others around us. They stared to stare.
Oh no what have I done...I should have kept my big mouth shut.
A crowd started to slowly form.
Kacchan was trying to keep them back by saying their his little cousin and he needed help with them today. It seemed to work.
I sighed. I was useless then..
Once on the bus and seated I looked towards kacchan before speaking.
" thank you "
" don't mention it, what's your problem is also mine.." he grabbed my hand.
And the twins sat still other than swinging their legs back and forth.
The train ride wasn't short but it wasn't long either it was the perfect length with 2 kids.
We finally made it to our destination and got a snack at a street food stand.
We finished up eating and made our way to the gates with 4 tickets in hand.
Kacchan took the lead.
" How many? " the lady at the desk said
"4 " he replied. She looked up at us.
"How old." She stated.
"16,16, 2 and 2" he said pointing to us when he said the ages.
She slowly took of her eyes off the computer screen in front of her.
"Is there an adult?"
"No, it's just us"
"Are you babysitting?"
"Okay I need you to move to the side. And Step away from the Stroller"
I was confused and nervous but I did what she asked. I went back toward the twins to get them out when.
"Leave the kids there." She said as she picked up the phone on the desk.
"I need Someone at the front gates of Tokyo zoo"
Why are they always so quick to Judge. It's probably because we're the same gender and Our age.
I looked down at then softly spoke.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. We're a family trying to have fun, we didn't do anything wrong." Hearing kacchan say those words meant a lot.
As we waited for whoever was called to "take care of us" comes. The twins started to get Fussy. I wanted to go to them and help them but the Lady was eyeing me up.
She went towards the twins and I protectively Grabbed her hand to stop her from touching my Babies.
I didn't realize I was glaring at her.
"Don't touch them." I said Sternly.
She looked Stunned at least for a minute.
She then smirked at me. I pulled back.
"Oh? Why? There not even yours"

"Of course they are, don't you see How much they look like both of us"
Kacchan said.

"Anyone can have Blonde hair." She said with a wider smirk.

"What about Green hair? And what about the fact that They both of our eye colours. Red isn't we common as you think lady." Kacchan smriker at her.
"I mean if you wanted we can do
a DNA test. " he was going to continue but some pro hero's came
Marching up to us.
This made more of a scene.
I heard people say things around us.
"Did these kids steal these poor babies?"
"Omg teens theses days"
"How disrespectful"
"I can't believe Teens would do such as things"
"They must be villains and put in Jail!"

"What's going on here?" A familiar voice said.
I turned to see the face of the voice I knew.
It was Aizawa.
"Oh Mr Aizawa. Can you help us please." I pleaded.

"These are my students, what have they done?" He turned towards the lady.

"They clearly kidnapped these poor babies." She said pointing to the twins.
Mr Aizawa just turned towards the twins slightly and then back to her.

"Oh you mean their kids?"

She froze and blinked.

" what?"

"He has female parts that allow him to have kids."
I looked down and nodded.

"These two boys are The parents to them and you just stoped them from having a family day for the first time in a while cause they still are going to school. Which not many teen parents still can." He paused before continuing after he smirked at her.
"And it looks like you stoped my students from helping the twins when they were fussy. Which is what all parents should be able to do. And you made them sit here without any food or water for hours, these kids are only 2 and there parents are 16. So you just stoped a bunch of kids from enjoying the zoo."
He looked at her.
She was completely shocked and disgusted.
The crowd now judging all of us even more.
I just wanted to leave and go back home.
Kacchan noticed this and the twins were getting even more upset and fussy. He looked towards the stroller and grabbed it.
"Thanks old man, we're leaving now" he said.
The lady now scrambling to get up after us and Yelled.
"You shouldn't have kids!! It's Disgusting and Unacceptable!" I heard people in the crowd talking and agreeing with her. I looked down as we walked away.
This is a problem that has been occurring too frequently lately.
Now I'm pondering my future. As I remembered my dream.

Once we got back to the dorms and fed the twins and finally put them down for a nap.
Me and Kacchan sat on the bed.
I sighed. And faced kacchan.
His eyes are still my favourite thing to stare at. It gives me hope and comfort when he looks into my own eyes.
"Kacchan I was going to tell you about a dream I had.."

"What was it about..?"

"Our future.."
he raised an eyebrow in response.

"Yeah.. The twins were 7 years old and Izumi liked to sleep a lot, and you were cooking in the kitchen it was pretty nice, and Kenji was so considerate of me. Well mostly because I-"
I Stoped and realized I was rambling.
Kacchan's eyes softened.

"Because you were..?"

"Oh right..! Well in the dream we were pregnant was actually a nice happy family. One I always dreamed of. Speaking of kacchan how many kids do you want..?"
He smiled.
"Are you sure you want to know..."
I nodded slowly.
He smirked before he spoke.
"I want 12 kids.." he gave me a look. Which caused me to turn red.
"That might be too much kacchan..."
He sighed .
"Fine how about 5?"
I thought about it, it's better than 12.
"We will see." I told him.
I can't wait until to see what the future holds. I smiled as I got comfortable under the sheets. I snuggled into his chest and fell asleep thinking about what could become of our small happy family. I hope it grows more And we're all

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