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I waddled into the sliding doors that led to entrance of the clinic.
I sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room filled with soon to be mother's or already moms of new born's or toddlers. As you could imagine it was quite loud in the room. My mom got up to go to the bathroom. I sat ,left in a room of strangers. I bounced my leg up and down hoping mom would come back soon. A lady who looked heavily pregnant came over and sat where my mom was sitting. I didn't want to be rude and tell her to sit somewhere else so I sat there in silence until she spoke to me.
"Hello! I'm Anna" she said.
"Hi- um I'm Izuku" I told her.
"So how far are you? and if you don't mind how old are you? as well as where the father? " she asked I know she wasn't trying to be rude she was at least in her mid 30's so I'm sure she was just concerned.
"Oh well I'm 6 months now, I'm 13..I'll be 14 before my baby is born and the father he's..not in the picture" I said looking down for the last part.
"Oh I'm husband passed away before I could tell him about these 3" she said patting her stomach.
"3?" I questioned.
She nodded
"Triplets" I smiled at her I'm pretty sure my eyes had stars in them.
"Not to be rude but you look like your carrying twins" she said.
My eyes widened at the thought.
"I-I it could be a possibility" she said.
We talked for a while as we did my mom came back and sat on the other side of me a seat opened up.

(Lol sorry just I was imagining Inko just throwing a pregnant lady across the room just so she could Comfort her son but we all know she wouldn't do it unless it's for Izuku)

We waited until my name was finally called.
"Izuku midoryia" a nurse said. I got up and waddled to the room I was walked to by the nurse. After a while the doctor showed up and started to talk about what was going to happen.
"So I'm going to tell your mom on a piece of paper and she going to tell you after the appointment alright" he said explaining the situation. He put the cold gel in my stomach once again. At this point I think I'm used to it being so cold I don't even flinch. I felt awkward as he was looking on the ultrasound machine with a straight face. I noticed he looked a bit worried as his face when pale. He got up.
"I will be right back" he said leaving the room. My mom looked on the screen. She gasped.
"Oh my" she said. Before I could even ask about what was happening the doctor came back in with another doctor.
"Hello.I'm doctor Maiko let's take a look at your baby huh?" She said as she continued what the other doctor was doing. I was extremely nervous. She turned to me and my mom before she spoke.
"Alright two you are having twins" she paused. I smiled widely at my mom.
"And the other thing?" My mom asked grabbing my hand.
"One of the babies has a heart condition, I'm worried about the baby not getting enough nutrients for that one is the smaller of the two, as well as I'm not sure a natural birth is an option at this point, he won't make it if we did that" she said . I froze in place I felt like time stoped and what she said repeatedly played in my head. She looked at me before continuing.
"I know you don't want to hear it but the chances of that baby surviving are very low,I'm sorry" she said as she left the room. The other doctor was standing in the corner.
"Alright um well I'll show you which one she is referring to" he moved the Monitor closer to me and my mom. He pointed to the baby on the left it was much smaller then the other one. I started to tear up.
"Izuku do you still want to have me tell you the genders?" Mom asked. I nodded.
"Yeah..I want to still make it as normal was possible" she smiled at me. The doctor came back with a piece of paper with the genders on it. My mom took it,she scanned it with her eyes. She let out a gasp.
"Oh this is going to be fun" she said with a laugh at the end. I looked at her confused. Mom slowly walked me out of the room upon exiting I was met with the lady from before. She waved at me.
"Hey-" she paused as she noticed the tear streaks on my cheeks.
"Oh honey what happened?" She asked.
I felt close to her I mean we both are pregnant and we both don't have the fathers with us.
"One of my babies have a heart condition" I said sweeping.
"Oh..I'm sorry" she said as she gave me a hug. I felt my mom give me one to.
Once we left the hospital, mom dropped me off at home.
"Go have a shower..and I'll be back with the genders" she said. I nodded and walk slowly up the stairs. I looked down the hallway of the apartment building only to find ash blonde hair  by my door. I froze,kacchan?
I creeped up to the door. My eyes widened.
"Auntie?" My voice cracked.
"Oh Izuku!" She said.
"Where's your mother?!" She asked as she grabbed my hands.
"Um she went to buy a treat for us.." I said. She looked confused.
"Um do-do you want to come in?" I offer. She nodded as I opened the door for her.
"So Katsuki told me you haven't been going to school what's that about?" She asked. I'm surprised she hasn't noticed the big belly I have.
" promise you won't tell kacchan" I said looking into her eyes with a serious look on my face. She looked serious to.
"Of course" I took a deep breath and exhaled before speaking.
"I'm pregnant with kacchans babies" I said. She looked confused.
"Izuku,your a boy" she said.
"I know I have both female and male parts" I said looking down. I got up and took off my baggy Hoodie. She gasped as I turned to the side.
"Wait! Babies?!?!" She asked/yelled out.
I nodded my head before putting out two fingers. She came over to me and gently hugged me.
"Thank you for giving me grand babies I didn't think anyone would love Katsuki enough to have any" she said. She smiled at me as she sat back down at the dinner table. Moms voice echoed without the apartment.
"I'm home!"
"Oh Mitsuki.." she said.
"Don't worry I won't tell Katsuki unless Izuku's okay with it" mom nodded as she set down the cup cakes.
"So there are 2 cupcakes with the genders in it.
You can eat them or cut them with a knife if you want" mom said bringing a knife over to the table. I grabbed the knife and started to work of the cupcakes. 1,nothing.
No we're down to 4 cupcakes left. Still nothing. I looked down.
"Do you want to stop?" Mom asked. I looked at Mitsuki.
"Do you want to continue?" I asked. She looked at me with wide eyes. She nodded and cut one of the cupcakes. I seen a glimpse of a Colour within the cupcake.
"Aw man how did you get it your first try!" I whined which caused both woman in the room to laugh at me.
She moved the cupcake more to show the Colour inside. Blue was showing. I cried it's a baby boy. So did mom and auntie. I smiled. She continued until we were on the last cupcake. She told my mom to cut this one. She nodded as mom took the knife from auntie. She cut the cupcakes tears falling out she already knew the genders but she was excited to see mine and aunties reactions. She turned the cupcake toward me and auntie. Another boy!
"Oh my god" auntie said.
"Two boys!" Mom said. Looking at me. I started to cry..
"I- what did I boys..." I said breaking down which caused Auntie to look very concerned at my outburst.
"What?" She asked.
"One of the babies the smaller one has a heart condition, and he has a low chance of survival." Mom told auntie who's face paled.
She came over and hugged me.
"Come one cheer up these boys are yours and Katsuki's babies and if there anything like there father they will be strong and stubborn so a problem with his heart ain't gonna slow him down." She said rubbing my back. The smell of the cupcakes finally got to my nose. I covered my mouth. Mom rushed over with a trash can. Both mom and auntie were now rubbing my back.
"I was always sick with Katsuki" auntie commented. Mom nodded.
" I was too but I wasn't as big as you for while there the doctors were so sure you were carrying two" mom laughed. I smiled a bit before putting my head back down into the can. After a while auntie had to leave. We waved her goodbye. I sat on the couch watching an all might movie with my all might blanket and plush. Mom came and sat beside me. I rubbed my belly as we sat there with popcorn and such. When ever a fight scene would Appear the boys would kick. Which made me laugh. Cause the one on the right his kicks are strong and remind me
Of kacchan. And the little guy on the left reminds me of well me gently shy kicks. I'm sure my boys will grow up to be strong hero's like all might. I fell asleep on the couch that night with my mom sleeping not far from me on the opposite of the couch. I still can't help but shake off the guilt of what I did and though about my babies before. Did I do this to him? Will I only have one baby once there born. I'm scared and I want kacchan to be there with me but I don't no I'm not ready for him to know so he can leave me..

1778 words

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