Chapter 10: いい (Eiichi x Reader)

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When I woke up, my stomach was rumbling. Oof, hunger pangs...

Well, it is almost dinnertime...

Sleepily, I decide to text Eiichi and ask him for a restaurant recommendation.

Shortly after I texted him, he replied with an offer to take me where he was already going to dinner, since he had just got off work. I agreed, but on the condition that it was not only Eiichi and I. He accepted, telling me that some other members of HE★VENS already were planning on joining him.

A little while later, Eiichi and the others arrived in his car. I got in the available front seat next to Eiichi.

"Helloo~" Greeting everyone, I saw Eiji and Shion in the back seat.

"L/N-san! Good to see you again." Eiji gave a wholesome smile.

"So you are the new interloper engaging with HE★VENS..." Shion remarked. "Amakusa greets you with salutations."

Eventually, we arrived at a traditional restaurant where we could eat in a room by ourselves as a group while sitting on pillows surrounding a low table. I sat down next to Shion, and the Otori brothers sat across from us.

While Eiichi ordered us some appetizers and drinks, Eiji turned to me.

"So, Y/N-chan, how was your first week working here in Japan?" Gently smiling, he quickly put me at ease.

"In a word, incredible. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything!" I smiled, and one of the restaurant staff entered our room to gave us some of our drinks.

Eiji and I chose to drink some alcohol, and Shion was interested in the drink I ordered.

"L/N-san, your drink's current flows interestingly. May I sample it?" The look he gave me with his light purple eyes while asking the question was hard to deny, so I obliged. No harm in a lil sippy sip.

"Ooo, it's like you two just shared a kiss~" Eiji giggled after Shion took a sip.

Upon hearing this, Shion became embarrassed and blushed.

"N-Now is not the time for such acts. The drink's aura was enlightening... It harmonized like an endless swirl into an abyss of fruity wonder."

I'm not sure I follow...

"It's delicious, isn't it...?" I reply.

We laughed it off and ordered our main course. I requested a rice bowl with my favorite protein, which was something I had been really looking forward to trying once I went to Japan. Truly can't go wrong with donburi~

"Y'know everyone, when we spend time like this, it makes me feel like you're my coworkers, too... It's nice." I smiled brightly.

"Hehe, I know what you mean!"Eiji nodded happily.

"いい, Y/N-san. I'm glad we can make you feel at ease." Eiichi told me.

"Amakusa associates mostly with HE★VENS, but the anomaly of L/N adds an interesting dimension to life." Shion adds.

Shion's bit hard to understand, but at the very least it sounds like he accepts me...?

As we waited for the food, Eiji dismissed himself to use the restroom. Shion also excused himself, to look a small spirit shrine he saw on the way in. Something about it helping attune his mindfulness, I think? I dunno. But it sounded important.

Alone with the one and only Eiichi. I wonder what he's thinking...

"You look lovely tonight, Y/N-chan~"

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