Chapter 34: Arrival

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"Riiight, so people're gonna be stayin' here." Driving up to property gates, Yamato flipped down the kickstand and got off his motorbike.

Hmm, can't really spot anything through the trees...

Hands in pockets, he wandered up to a small panel, and flipped it up to reveal a speaker and keypad. Pressing a button, he grumbled something into the microphone at the gates.

The faint crackle of another person's voice on the other end buzzed. Growling a little, Yamato impatiently responded while kicking at a rock on the ground. After a moment, the gate opened.

Returning to his bike, we followed the curvy driveway further into the property. Speaking of, we quickly found ourselves at an intersection of several different roads. Geez, this property might even be larger than where I've previously been staying...!

"What the hell...?" Yamato grumbled, pausing to punch some numbers into his phone. "Gimme a moment, babe."

"Syo. This place is a damn maze." The blond groaned into his phone.

"Hiii Syo!!~" I chimed.

"Syo says hi back." Yamato stuck out his tongue at me before going back to his conversation.

"Yeahhh, I know you're already on set..." My chauffeur sighed. "Well you should've been more specific in your directions!"

After a moment, Yamato ended the call. Shaking his head and muttering something under his breath, he picked a path to go down.

Soon enough, the driveway eventually circled back in on itself in front of two cozy looking houses.

One had a decent-sized garage with a living space above it. The other home was much larger, and had many windows.

By the gardens next to the bigger house, Camus was sipping on some tea, engrossed in a book. Nearby, Masato was watering the gardens with Tokiya.

Camus looked up at the approaching motorcycle with an irritated expression, narrowing his eyes. Masato and Tokiya seemed to go further into the garden, avoiding the noise.

Yamato put down his kickstand again.

"But, we haven't fully reached the houses...?" I wondered aloud.

"Don't like the eyes of that vampirey-lookin' prince guy. Somethin' tells me that his royal ass would just love to give me an earful. So yeah, imma just drop ya off here." Getting off the bike, Yamato did a big stretch and took off his helmet. The green highlights in his hair glistened in the sunlight.

I did the same.

"Then..." Pausing, I looked up at the tall firey man. Geez, he truly is the tallest idol I know; I would need to be on my highest tiptoe to kiss him.

Eyes lighting up like warm embers, Yamato's gaze met mine.

"Aw c'mere, Y/N-chan... You're gonna see me again before ya even know it, I promise~" Expression softening further, he pulled me in close. Yamato leaned down, kissing my forehead. Caressing my cheek, his eyes glimmered with kindness.

Ah, he can be very soothing...

Camus clears his voice loudly in the background. Ignoring the Count, I continue to enjoy Yamato's company.

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