Chapter 13 : Constellation

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Once I had entered the mansion, I passed the doorway to the commons area. Out of curiosity, I peered inside. To my surprise, someone was lying on the couch. Their face was obscured by a magazine.

Wondering who it was, I shuffled over to get a better look. Unfortunately the floor creaked a little as I moved. The figure laying down shifted around, likely alerted by the sound.

Before I could quickly leave the room and hide my presence, the figure sat up, hat falling off his face, revealing his differently colored eyes.

"It's you! Wait, I wanna talk to ya, newbie. I finally had some free time but you weren't around so I took a nap instead."

"Hey there, Ranmaru. Well, I'm here now so what did you wanna talk about?"

"Sooo I know it's the weekend, but do ya have the time to talk about our song? My schedule is pretty busy these days so I dunno when I'll otherwise have the time." Frowning, he seemed a little hesitant to ask, but spoke with confidence regardless.

"Sure thing, I was just going to hang out in my room, but this is definitely better! How about we go to the library?"

We walked together to the library, and sat down comfortably next to one another in the bean bag corner.

"After ya gave me your song, I already started writing some lyrics. But there's only so much I can do without talkin' about the changes I want..." He sighed, but then looked at me with a soft smile. "I wanna finish the lyrics. In order to do that, you need to change the song."

"Right, that makes sense." Pulling out my phone, I opened up my music app. Thank goodness I don't always need my laptop to change the music. "So, what have you written so far?"

"Right to business, eh? Good newbie~" Speaking with approval he gave me a wink. "When I wrote the lyrics, I was thinking of ya. I'm tryna capture the feelin' I had when you shared this song with me under the stars."

He handed me his phone, which had some lyrics written up on it.

As I read over them, I started to feel emotion well up in me. The lyrics described how if we can find  his constellation and he'll love and protect us.

"Wow... your experience within this industry is showing strong here. This is amazing, I'll do my best to keep up with you, you trail-blazer..." I complimented him sincerely.

"It's cool when you're serious. Real nice seein' ya all fired up!" He chuckled with a grin.

We then continued chatting and working together. It's important to impart Ranmaru's vision onto the song, so I was invested in making the right changes.

"Ugh, it's been a minute since we came here. How 'bout we take a break?" Ranmaru asked me.

Concentrating on intensifying one of the syncopated ruthless, I didn't notice his question.

My attention was brought back to Ranmaru when he leaned in and gently lifted up my chin with one of his fingers, forcing me to break my concentration and make eye contact with him.

"Oi, Y/N."


My name again...

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