Chapter 25 : A Break in Routine

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After I parted with Ranmaru, I went back to Raging Entertainment for my practice with Van.

Getting to the studio room was thankfully straightforward, but I did end up being a little late.

"Y/N-chan! I was just about to call. You've never been late before, so I wanted to make sure you're okay!" Upon my entrance to the studio, Van strode up and hugged me.

"Hii, apologies for being late, I got caught up with something during my lunch." I hugged him back with a squeeze.

"No worries! I'm just happy to see ya, cutie~" Van then stepped back and patted my head. "Alrighty then, I 'spose it's time to start warming up!"

I gave a happy nod, ready to give it my all once again.

Van was energetic today, his movements more lively. I was held closer than usual, and he radiated confidence.

Outside of work we had gotten closer, more familiar with each other's touch...

During our work together, this had a big impact and our routine was very much becoming polished. Soon enough, his face was close to mine. Van had a calm but vibrant smile, his eyes not wavering from mine.

Slightly losing myself in the moment, I held my hand against his cheek. I know it wasn't a part of the dance routine, but I couldn't help myself. He paused, seemingly lost in thought, also not a part of the routine. Though his pause was brief, I saw his eyes flicker at me.

We continued, but this time Van had discreetly led us up to a wall, which was unusual. Now right up next to me, he closed the distance between us, his face filling my vision.

"The cameras have a blind spot here. Let's indulge ourselves just for a moment, Y/N-chan..." He whispered, one of his hands moving and tilting up my chin to meet his lips.

Seems like we both couldn't help ourselves today...

Van's lips met mine, his other hand up against the wall, sheltering my body behind his so we truly couldn't be seen. It seemed like every kiss he gave me kept getting more amazing as I fell harder for him.

His touch was all I could think about as I pressed myself against him. I held onto him, not wanting to let go.

I whispered his name after our lips parted.

"Heh, tomorrow night can't come fast enough..." He murmured.

Gods, I can't wait either...

Though we had to be brief to avoid getting caught, so Van guided us back to the center of the room, finishing up our routine.

Dancing with him was wonderful, as per usual. His touch and lead were invigorating, and we were hardly encountering any clunky movements in the routine anymore.

Both of us were falling harder for each other, and each time we had to engage in the more intimate moves within our routine, I couldn't help but blush. Geez, I gotta get my shit together...

The rest of our scheduled time together went super smoothly, though. By the time we stopped, I was in high spirits!

"Your liveliness is infectious, Van. I always feel so energized when we're together!" I admitted to him as we did our final stretches.

"Heh, yeah cutie? I feel the same, something about you fires me right up." He beamed at me.

With a final stretch, he strode up to me and offered me a hand to help me up. I held onto his hand and he lifted me to my feet, pausing to whisper in my ear as he held me close.

"I'll be sure to fire you up tomorrow, too..." He stepped back, revealing passionate eyes.

"Alrighty then, I'll see you tomorrow cutie!" The passion flickered away, replaced by his usual warmth.

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