Chapter 1

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This was it. Summer, Finally. I had been waiting since last summer for it to come; I know that sounds cheesy, but it's true. We go down to our summer home in St. Thomas every summer and honestly it's one of the most beautiful places in the world, also one of the most magical. Every summer something special always seems to happen at our beach house. My parents got married down there. My older brother, Josh, was born during one unforgettable summer.  My brother also got his first girlfriend there when he was younger. Everything always seemed to happen to them though. Nothing special has ever happened for me; they always got to have all the fun. But this year is different, I just have a feeling, that this is my year; something special is finally going to happen to me. This is my summer.

As I closed my suitcase for the last time, until we get there, I sighed. Every time we leave for the summer I feel bad. Each year my friends always ask if I'll stick around for a change, go to some parties, have a few laughs, but I never do. I live in a small town in Canada, nothing much really happens here, that's why I love going to St. Thomas, it's the only thing exciting that happens to me, it's the only thing that all my friends envy. It's my escape from the world, my second life. Back home I'm the nerdy best friend to the most popular girls in school, at the beach house I'm someone different, I'm the mysterious girl who sits out on the beach and throws pebbles in the water, not talking to anyone. I had one friend down by the beach, her name was Talia, but she and I were almost never around at the same time. So I used to just sit out on the rocker, watching the sun set with my brother, until he got married. He's a great deal older than me, and once he turned legal, he was ready to start his own life, he never comes up to the beach house much anymore, but if he does, he will bring his wife, Natalie, she's nice and all, but he's never the same around her. He acts like I don't exist. I don’t mind all that much, we never talked much when we were younger anyways. I just wish he would acknowledge my presence once in a while.

I grabbed my suitcase off the bed, and put it by the door. I walked over to my desk and looked down at my Facebook page, I said good bye to all my friends and made a status, it said, “Going back home ;) I’ll miss all of you, see you all when school starts again, bye for now <3” I closed my laptop and put it in my bag, I always brought it along with me, even though there was no internet connection up at the house, I liked to have it with me, for when I'm tired of reading someone else’s love story and I want to make up my own. I walked out of my room and saw my parents at the end of the hall, waiting for me. I smiled at them and grabbed my suitcase, turning off my bedroom light. Saying good bye to my room for two months was hard, it was where I grew up. We loaded everything into the car, as I sat in the backseat waiting for my parents to get in, I pulled out my iPod, putting my earphones in my ears, I blocked out the rest of the world. We began the long drive to the airport, I watched as my house disappeared behind me. I was going to miss it; it was the only place I ever called home.

When we got to the airport, I kept quiet most of the time, claiming I was tired. We checked our bags and went through customs, then, the long wait for boarding call. I sat in the chair with my earphones still in, playing games on my iPod. Our flight finally got called and I grabbed my bag and followed my parents, when we got on the plane, we found out we all weren’t sitting together. I walked to my seat at the back of the plane, pulling out my laptop before stashing my bag in the overhead compartments. I sat in my seat and waited for takeoff, it was early in the morning, so there was nothing to see outside. Finally the gate closed and we prepared for takeoff. I was happy to find there was no one sitting beside me. Once we were in the air, I curled up and fell asleep, and didn’t wake until our arrival in Florida. The flight we had just gotten off was a little late, so we ran through everything, trying to catch our next flight. Luckily we made it just in time, but we were shocked to find our seats weren’t together again. I raced down the aisle, trying to find my seat; I was mumbling it under my breath, when suddenly someone stopped me. I looked down to see a rather cute boy staring up at me. “Um, are you looking for 19B?” He had a strong British accent; I was shocked to hear that in Florida. He was watching me, waiting for an answer, “Um yeah.” I said. Oh really that was all I could say? There was a cute British boy sitting in front of me and that’s all I could come up with? The boy got to his feet, “This is your spot,” he said pointing to the window seat, beside his. “Oh,” I said, “Thanks.” What’s with the short answers? This summer already wasn’t going too well. I quickly grabbed my laptop and stuffed my bag into the already full overhead compartment. As I   squeezed past him in the small space, I got a whiff of his cologne, and I have to say, he smelt good. He just kept getting better and better. As I took my seat, the flight attendant came around and asked us to fasten our seatbelts. We did as told, and soon we were flying through the air. I pulled out my laptop and turned it on, taking out my iPod as well and putting in my earphones, watching the British boy out of the corner of my eye. He was playing games on his phone, not paying attention to anyone around him. As my laptop came to life, I opened ‘Word Document’ deciding, that this summer, I was going to start a whole new story, something completely different, something fun and exotic, and it all started, with the first chapter.

I was interrupted on chapter four. The British boy had said something to me, but I couldn’t hear him. I pulled out my earphones, “Sorry, what was that?” I asked. “Oh,” he said, his cheeks becoming a slight red, “I was just asking what your story is about, well if u don’t mind.” This was the first time I had actually gotten a good look at him, he had short brown hair and a very cute smile, and he had the most gorgeous big brown eyes. “Oh, um,” I paused, now was the time to stutter? “Well honestly I don’t know yet, I want it to be about a summer romance, but I'm never persistent.” “Your mind wanders doesn’t it,” he said to me, those big brown eyes looking up into mine. “Yeah,” I said slowly, “Yeah, I guess it does.” He smiled, “That’s the best type of writer, someone who doesn’t know what they’re going to write, someone who leaves even their self in suspense even when they’re just writing it. Trust me, your story is going to be amazing.” I felt the heat rise to my cheeks, never had a boy shown so much interest in me; they were always after my friends, always overlooking me. He went back to playing games on his phone. I watched him for a few seconds before returning to my laptop screen. I kept my earphones out in case he talked to me again. But he never did, we spent the rest of the flight in silence, the last thing he said to me was ‘Bye love’ when we got off the plane. Now, I didn’t know if he liked me, or if he was just speaking ‘British’. I wish I had learnt his name.

I stepped through the doors of the airport and into the warm St. Thomas air. I smiled soaking in the sun. We rented our usual car and drove to our Beach house, the windows rolled down, the wind blowing in my long blonde hair, this, was truly what summer was all about. Sun, sand, and salt water. As we pulled up to our always welcoming beach house, I jumped out of the car and ran for my room. I pushed through the door and found it exactly the way I left it. I walked over to the widow facing the ocean and opened it, taking in a deep breath, smelling the salt water. I smiled and plopped down on my bed, it was only 10:00 am; I still had a full day ahead of me. My dad brought my suitcase to my room, but I went into my closet and grabbed a bathing suit that I kept there along with a lot more clothes. I changed into it and grabbed my laptop, “I'm heading down to the beach,” I said to my mother. “Sweetie, aren’t you going to help unpack?” “Later mom, I missed this beach.” “Brooklyn, don’t-!” my mom tried to say but my father cut in, “Let her go, Honey, she needs this.” My mom sighed and I smiled at the both of them, then grabbed a towel and ran out the door. I stopped, halfway to the water, my feet sinking in the sand, I wiggled my toes. I missed this more than anything. I found a nearby palm tree and lay my towel down under it. I lay down and opened my laptop. I wrote for what seemed like forever, until I realized it had only been three hours, because my mom came out with some lunch for me. I smiled and thanked her. “Brooklyn,” she said to me, as I tried to continue writing, “Try not to stay on your laptop all summer, please. Just try and enjoy yourself, get out there, make some friends.” “Mom, I have friends!” My mom sighed, “You have one.” “Yeah, but Talia is enough,” I said, trying to get her off my back. “She’s never here, Brooklyn! All I'm saying is try something different this summer.” I sighed, didn’t she know I was trying to. “Fine,” I said. “Good, now your father and I are heading into town, we need some food for the week, do you want anything?” “no,” I said, then re-thought that as my mom started to walk away, “Oh wait,” I said, my mom turning back around, “Make sure we have lots of peanut butter.” My mom gave me a look, “Sure,” she said, slowly turning around and walking away. I can’t believe she doesn’t know that peanut butter is my favorite snack, what kind of mother is she. I got back to work on my story; I was on chapter seven, already almost 40 pages long, Yah I know. I'm a nerd. I was basically writing the story about my life, starting with this summer, I wrote in the first person, almost like it was my diary, I wrote about the beach house and my mom bringing me lunch, even the British boy on the plane, it wasn’t the best story so far, but like this summer, I knew something special was going to happen.

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