Chapter 6

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“Brooklyn?" I heard my mom call from the house. I felt Liam become tense. I took his hand, giving it a squeeze, "Don't worry; I'm going to be fine. But I have to go," I went to pull my hand away, but he wouldn't let go, "Liam, I'll be back, I promise, I'll come see you just to show you I'm okay." "Brooklyn!" my mom yelled again. I tried pulling my hand away again, this time I got it just until he had hold of only my fingertips. "I promise," I said. He loosened his grip, slowly letting his hand fall away. I turned around, running towards the house. I felt terrible leaving him there, it broke my heart. I felt like I had just left a puppy in the middle of the street in the pouring rain. When I got to the top, I glanced back at him; he watched me, fear and pain in his eyes. That's what tore me apart; I glanced at my parents as they began to walk towards the car. I glanced back at Liam. "Mom, Dad, would you mind if I went and told him one more thing I forgot to say." My parents shared a glance between themselves, my dad shrugged his shoulders, and my mom turned to me and nodded her head. I smiled at them then glanced back down at Liam. He had turned around, facing the water. I jumped off the deck and ran full speed towards him, once I had gotten rather close I yelled his name, he turned around just in time for me to jump into his arms. At first he was shocked but he quickly wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his neck, as he squeezed me tight, lifting me up, off the ground for a few seconds. He put me back down and loosened his arms around me, but I wasn't ready to let go, so I held on. This was all I needed right now, someone's strong arms wrapped around me, keeping my broken pieces together. I pulled away seconds later and looked up into his eyes, "Don't ever blame yourself, for something like that EVER again! Do you hear me?" he nodded his head, the slightest of a smile forming on his lips. I smiled back at him, "Don't miss me too much British boy," I said ruffling his hair. He chuckled, "I'll try not to, as long as you promise to come see me when you get back." "What if it's late?" I asked. "I don't care," he said, the smile becoming slightly larger, "Wake me up if you have to." "Okay," I said, "but I really have to go." he spun me around, his hands resting on my shoulders; he leaned in close to my ear, "then go." He gently pushed me forward, forcing me to take a step. As I began walking I glanced back at him, his smile more prominent. I couldn't help it, I was smiling too. It was just the way he made me feel, how he treated me. I needed just that. I craved it. I loved it.

As I sat in the back seat of the car, I found myself zoning out, flashing back to what had just happened only moments ago, playing it over and over again in my head. Did that really just happen? Was I making it all up? We've only known each other for two days and already we've been through so much together. I've lost so much sleep because of him; staying up late and wondering what he's truly like, and waking up early ready to face the new day and trying to run into him on the beach. He was just one of those people that I could instantly become friends with, nothing was a dull moment with him. He unconsciously made me smile, more than anyone had ever tried before. He made me laugh, easier than even my friends back home could. He made me blush harder, than I ever have in my whole life. He gives me butterflies whenever he speaks. My heart skips a beat whenever I hear his name. I get goose bumps even when he just touches my arm. I think it’s safe to say, no one has ever made me feel this way before. “Brooklyn?” my mom said, but I didn’t hear her, I was mesmerized by the scenery passing by outside. “Brooklyn, honey,” my mom reached back and tapped my leg, I jolted back to reality. “Huh,” I said, looking at her. “Are you okay?” she asked. “Uh, yeah,” I said, a smile coming across my face, “Never better.” “Great, well then could you pass me my purse?” “Oh, sorry I didn’t hear you,” I said, finding her purse with my eyes, I reached down and grabbed it passing it to her. “Thank you,” she said to me. “You’re welcome,” I turned back to face the window. We were almost into town now, and I watched as the dirt roads turned to pavement, and as we came closer to the port, they became coble stone. We pulled up to my favorite restaurant, it was owned by a local, and the name was unpronounceable, but I loved the food there. I got out of the car, glancing behind me and seeing the six cruise ships we had docked at the island. Cruises seemed so fun, I’ve always wanted to go on one, the families look so happy and relaxed, but my parents always said it was the beach house or a cruise. I always chose the beach house. We walked into the restaurant and quickly got seated. I snatched up the chair that faced the window, so I could look at the cruise ships. We ordered our food, and as my parents talked, I watched, as all the tourists got back on their cruise ships, as the ship its self was restocked with the islands food. “Brooklyn,” my dad was calling my name. I looked at him, “yeah.” “Are you sure you’re okay,” he asked me. “Yeah. Why?” “Because” he paused, “You’ve zoned out a lot today.” “Oh,” I paused, swirling the water in my glass, “I guess my minds just elsewhere.” They both watched me, studying me. I felt like I was under a microscope and they were dissecting me, I was about to ask them why they were looking at me, but luckily our food came, breaking their concentration, saving me. We ate in silence, I scarfed down my food as fast as I could, the first ship was set to leave in a few minutes and I wasn’t ready to miss it. Just as soon as my parents paid for our meal, I grabbed both their hands, dragging them outside. I was anxious, this was such a simple boring thing but I loved it. I brought them over to our usual spot. A wall four feet off the ground, parallel to the street, if you jumped down it would hurt. The hard concrete of the pier was not a comforting landing.  I swung my legs over the edge and kicked them back and forth, my heels gently hitting the wall, this was the way I always sat when I was little, as if ready to jump off and run to the ships, getting on one and sailing away. My mom slowly sat down with me, but kept her legs on the ‘safe’ side. My dad went to go get us ice cream. This was exactly what we did all those years ago. All that was missing was josh. My dad soon came back with the ice cream and a smile on his face. “What’s up Smiley?” I asked him as he passed me my ice cream and sat down. “I just got off the phone with your brother,” he said. I licked my ice cream cone, “Mhm,” I said, the ice cream melting on my tongue. “Well,” my dad said, glancing at my mom, “he said his flight got in early, and he’s going to meet us down here.” I almost chocked on my ice cream, he was coming here, right now. I didn’t know if I should be happy or disappointed because when he got here, it would either be like old times, or, Natalie would be there. I said nothing, watching the water. Minutes passed. Mom and Dad sat a few feet away, talking. I didn’t care, I watched as another cruise ship backed away from port. The tourists running around like madmen, the sound of fun coming from the decks far above, the sound of the waves hitting up against the ships, the fog horn sounding, and echoing throughout the island. I closed my eyes, listening to all the different sounds.

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