Chapter 9

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I saw Natalie stand up on her tippy toes to whisper in Josh’s ear, he stopped talking, listening. Liam glanced down at me, in the moment of silence; I felt my cheeks become red in an instant. “Hey, um listen,” Josh said, suddenly, “Natalie and I are thinking of driving into town to pick up some food,” he paused, watching us, “would you guys mind staying here?” he asked. Liam and I glanced at each other yet again. “I mean, we can pick up some food for the both of you, if you want,” Josh added. I saw Natalie sneak a glance at Liam, I un-bent my arm and let my hand fall to my side, but I quickly slipped it into Liam’s, “We’d love that, thanks Josh.” I said, a smile coming across my face. As long as I didn’t think about the fact that I had just voluntarily put my hand into Liam’s and he didn’t pull away, he didn’t even flinch. Josh raised an eye brow at me; in return I stuck out my tongue at him. “Just don’t burn down the house,” he said. Natalie let out a nervous laugh, but Liam and I both knew what he meant. Josh may have been my brother, and he may have taken my dad’s place when it came to deciding if I was allowed to date, but he was almost as strict as my dad. Meaning what was going on between Liam and I, at that moment, was all that was going to happen, for a long, long time. They turned around and headed down the back stairs to Natalie’s parked car. Liam and I stood there, joined by our hands, watching them. When they finally pulled away, Liam took a step away from me, but only to turn to face me. “You can let go now,” he said. “What?” I said, blinking back to reality. “They’re gone, you can let go of my hand.” I glanced down at our hands; I pulled my hand away nervously. Then I thought, Screw it. “But what if I didn’t want to let go?” “Oh,” Liam responded, a smile coming across his face, “Then don’t,” he said grabbing my hand. “But, how did you know?” I asked. He made a face, as if thinking of an answer, “Because,” he managed, “You are a terrible actress,” he teased. “Hey!” I said, “What if that was all real?” “It wasn’t?” he asked, fake shock coming into his eyes. “I don’t know,” I said, I looked up into his gorgeous eyes; it was almost like they always brought out a different person in me, “Do you want it to be?” “I-I-I,” he stuttered. I knew it. In my moment of courage and bravery, I had set myself up for heart break. I thought it was worth a shot, but I should have seen this coming. I’ve only known him for four days. We barely knew anything about each other. In a normal relationship, we would be at the part where I should only like him for his looks. But I knew that wasn’t the truth, I may have known little about him, but I knew enough, he was special. I took a step away from him, “You know what, don’t answer that,” I said, “I'm not sure if I'm ready to know the answer.” I pulled my hand out of his and walked over to the hose, I stretched it out and walked back to Liam, placing it in his hands, “But we have to get to work.” I said, and quickly ducked inside, trying to hide my pain. I grabbed a bucket and sponge and came back outside but only once I was more calmed down, and ready. Liam stood in the same place I had left him, “Come on,” I said, smiling at him, “You can wash down the deck, while I scrub the deck chairs and all that.” He nodded his head, and we set to work. I had just finished my first chair, when I felt cold water at my feet; I spun around, “Liam!” I said. I had scared him, his hand slipped and I ended up drenched. “Hey!” I said, laughing, “Not fair! All I have is a bucket of water.” “No, No, it was an accident Brooklyn, I didn’t-” “Ohh, that was no accident, British Boy,” I teased, “I'm watching you.” I did the usual point at my eyes, then at him. He smiled at the ground. Okay, I thought, THIS by far was the cutest thing he has done. I got back to work, “You know,” I said, “It’s really too quiet here.” “Yeah,” he agreed. I stopped, thinking of ways to fill the silence, “hey,” I said, “why don’t we play twenty questions?” “What’s that?” he asked. I spun around, still crouched down to my knees, “You’ve never played twenty questions?” I asked. “Um, no,” he said, “What is it?” I felt my jaw drop, “I can’t believe you’ve never played twenty questions! Well,” I said, “It’s what everyone plays, either when they want to unravel a secret about someone or they want to get to know them better.” “Oh,” he said, “back in England we just call that talking.” I laughed, “But the difference, is that, you have to answer the questions you ask too, along with the other person.” “Oh,” he said, “You know what, let’s try this.” “Cool,” I said, “so who’s going to start first?” I asked, turning back around. “I’ll start,” Liam said, “Okay, so where are you truly from?” I spun back around, “You know you have to answer that question too?” He nodded his head, “Well yes, I just really want to know where you’re from, I mean you obviously know where I'm from, but I can’t quite pin your accent.” I giggled, turning back around, “I'm from Canada,” I said. “Whoa! Really? I love Canada!” “Really,” I said, turning around yet again. “You know what I'm just going to turn this chair around to face you,” and I did just that, “now,” I said, “You love Canada?” I asked, surprised. “Yeah,” he said, “We share the same queen right?” I laughed, scrubbing the leg of the chair, “Yup. Okay my turn,” I paused, thinking of a simple question, “How old are you?” I asked. “Seventeen,” he said simply, “And you?” “I just turned seventeen,” I said. “Oh,” he said, “Well then when is your birthday?” I looked up at him, “You know, this counts as one of your questions right?” he nodded his head, “Come on, Canadian girl,” he teased; he obviously noticed too, how I always called him ‘British Boy’. “June 19th,” I said. He nodded his head, not saying anything. “Come on, whens your birthday?” I asked. “What?” he asked, shaking his head. “It’s your turn,” I said. “Oh, sorry I was just a little distracted,” he paused, “um, August 29th.” “Whoa, hold up there British Boy,” I said, resting my elbow on my knee, “What where u distracted by?” He glanced up at me, “Well,” he paused, “Your smile, your eyes, and your hair it just looks so beautiful in the wind.” “Are you flirting with me?” I teased. “Maybe,” he said, a smirk coming across his face. “Oh, you’re bad British Boy. You are so-o-o flirting with me,” I said getting back to work, “Ok so, what’s your last name?” “Payne,” he mumbled. “Okay, so, Mr. Payne are you flirting with me?” I teased. We shared a laugh. I absolutely loved his smile. The way his tongue pressed up against the back of his teeth, at times. The way his hand, came up and covered his mouth, his eyes squinted shut. If it was possible, I was falling more and more for him. It was just, everything about him, everything he is, everything he does. He’s who I’ve been dreaming of; someone who cares for me unconditionally, someone who I can be myself with, someone who might be scared of actually losing ME someday.

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