Chapter 17

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We didn’t have much time to mourn, or celebrate. I said good bye to all my class mates and told Katrina, Jason and Valerie that I would see them when I got back. We rushed home and Dylan and I hurried to pack. Our flight was set to leave at 7 the next morning. I almost packed my same prom dress, but while I was looking in my closet, I found a white flowing knee length dress, with a black strap across the middle. I opted out for that. After we were both packed, my father and Dylan loaded up the car, while my mother and I got all the tickets and pass ports ready. I tried to go to bed early that night, but I couldn’t sleep, either I was excited for New York, or nervous for England. Our flight there was almost perfect, we only had a few problems with the paperwork, because we were both technically minors, but once we got out of the airport, we were on our way. Dylan lived in a loft almost in the middle of downtown Manhattan and I was blown away by its beauty as he brought me home. I met his parents for the first time, and they wouldn’t stop teasing about going over to Brooklyn, so that I could see the Brooklyn Bridge. I guess they didn’t really know that I actually wanted to. Dylan’s school did things a little different than mine, his ceremony was first, but as soon as they threw their caps in the air, they all pulled off their gowns and revealed their dresses and tux’s. It was truly a sight. All the parents left, and the students were all ushered into a separate room, I guess just for dances. It was beautiful inside. But I was scared to get lost. Dylan’s school had almost doubled the number of students as mine, and it was a little over whelming. Everyone kept watching me, like they had never seen a tall blonde before. I felt a little self-conscious, but Dylan wanted to show me off. It was a prom like no other, there were twinkling lights, and it was almost like they were stars. I was absolutely the most romantic place I had ever seen. I wanted to give Dylan something to remember, because I felt bad for leaving him for England. So as a slow song came on, I grabbed him and pulled him close. I rested my head on his shoulder, and he held me around my waist; we swayed to the music. The moment was perfect. I didn’t want to lead him on, but he deserved something. When the song ended, I pulled my head up, and kissed his cheek, “Thank you.” I whispered. He smiled; I could tell he didn’t know what to say, so we just kept on dancing. I looked up at the banner hanging across the far wall, it said; ‘Class of 2010!’ and I couldn’t help but think, this party was for me too. It was hard to believe, that, only two days ago, I had graduated. I had accomplished so much, and I wasn’t ready for it all to end. Dylan’s Prom was unforgettable; I couldn’t believe I had been to two proms in separate countries in the span of only a few days. I was torn, when it was finally time to go home. I had barely seen New York, and it felt like I had just gotten Dylan back. As Dylan said good bye to me at the airport, I couldn’t help but tear up. I pulled him into a hug, “I’ll come back, I promise.” I felt him nod his head. I didn’t want to let go, but I was going to be late for my flight. Finally, I pulled away, but he wouldn’t let me back up too far. He held me close, and stared into my eyes. I wasn’t sure what he was doing, and it scared me. But he leaned in and kissed me. It barely lasted a second, before he pulled away, “I'm sorry,” he said backing up, “I'm so sorry.” “Dylan…” I tired. But he just kept backing up, “Go take over England…” “Dylan, please…” he wasn’t stopping. He was slipping out of my fingers; I couldn’t even hug him one more time. “Good bye Brooklyn. I’ll miss you.” With that, he turned around, and he was gone. I stood there, alone in the middle of an airport I didn’t know, in a city I didn’t know, in a country that wasn’t mine. I reached up and felt my lips, touching the spot where his had touched mine. It felt weird, after so long, to have someone’s lips on mine. I missed it already, but I knew that I couldn’t think of Dylan that way, because I didn’t really want his lips, I wanted Liam’s.

I managed to find my way to my gate, and I waited for my flight to be called. I wanted to text my mom, but I wasn’t sure if I had coverage in the United States. I waited for my flight in silence. I didn’t text anyone, I didn’t talk to anyone and I didn’t even listen to any music. It was just me and my thoughts. I thought about everything, then, my mind wandered to this summer. What was going to happen? My parents hadn’t even mentioned anything about the beach house. Never had I felt so lost and confused in a place I knew so well. I didn’t know if I wanted to go back, but then I decided I had to, that was the only place I hadn’t checked for the necklace Liam had given me. When I got home that Sunday, I didn’t want to do much. It still felt like I should be getting ready for school on Monday, but I had to tell myself, that was all over. But I didn’t know if I wanted it to be over… I sat in the living room, watching the news on TV. I had my legs pulled up underneath me. My mom came in and stood off to the side of me. She spoke but I half listened as the girl on the TV said, “And now we will be talking with new and upcoming Boy Band, One Direction. They are fresh off the UK’s popular TV show, the X-Factor,” I sat forward, the remote in my hand, turning up the volume slightly. My mom was saying that she had some good news for me. But I tuned her out as I watched the screen. The scene changed from the girl, to another interviewer sitting on a couch, with five teenage boys. I stood and walked closer to the TV, trying to get a better look at all of them. Then the camera cut to a zoom of each of the boys. One by one, they waved at the camera, and their full name appeared on the bottom of the screen. But as they came to the last one, my stomach flipped upside down. The remote fell from my hands and hit the ground, its batteries flying across the floor. I clutched my stomach as my ears began to ring. Not possible, I kept thinking to myself. I fell to my knees, tears streaming from my face. My mother came running up to me, but I pushed her away. I sat there, crippled on the ground, I wanted to scream. I was angry, I didn’t know why. But I needed to leave. I got to my feet and shoved past my mom, I ran outside into the cool night air. I ran to the street, and fell to the curb, finally I screamed; my voice echoing across my quiet neighborhood. I brought my knees to my chest, hugging them. My mother came running out of the house, looking for me. I let her find me, and she came up and rested a hand on my back. “Brooklyn… What’s wrong?” I glared up at her, “He made it!” I yelled. “He promised me would win for me, and HE MADE IT!” She sat down beside me. “He kept his promise, and how do I re-pay him? I let another guy kiss me?” I leaned into her outstretched arms. I couldn’t figure out why I was angry, Liam had made it, he had accomplished his dreams. I wasn’t jealous; I knew that, I was happy for him. But this all felt wrong. I never wanted to find out this way. I didn’t want to believe it. I was angry with myself more than anything. I felt guilty, like I had cheated myself. I felt like I had cheated Liam too. I hadn’t stayed true to him. He promised me, and I broke it all.

After I finally calmed down, my mom brought me back inside, and we watched the rest of the interview. My anger turned to painful joy, I was happy for him. I just wished I could tell him. I looked down at my phone, hoping to see a missed message from Liam. But there were none there. When the interview was done, my mom turned to me, “So, have you thought about who you want to bring up?” she asked me. “What?” I said. “Oh, you probably didn’t hear me. Well your father and I have been talking and we decided that since you did so good with your grades and the scholarship of course, that we are allowing you to bring two friends up to the Beach house this summer for a week or two.” I didn’t hesitate as two names popped into my head, “Katrina and Valerie.” My mom looked over at me, “Well okay then, I guess it’s set. I’ll go call their parents, we leave on Wednesday.” She got up and walked away. I faced the now black TV, replaying the night over and over in my head, like a song on loop. I reached up and touched the place where the necklace was supposed to be. I spent two hours re-reading my texts to and from Liam; trying to see if I had missed something, anything that led back to this.


That’s what I found.


I began a new message. It started out fine, but I was having trouble. I re-wrote my words, erased sentences, backspaced, and re-thought. I couldn’t find the words to even begin to explain what I felt right then. I needed to say something though. I couldn’t just pretend it never happened, could I?

Wednesday came faster than I thought. Katrina and Valerie woke me up in a frantic frenzy, but I wasn’t in the mood. I never seemed to be in the mood anymore. They dragged me out of bed at 2am, and were bouncing off the walls. They were both talking a mile a minute on the way to the airport, and somehow I managed to tune it all out.

A year ago, I was driving to this airport.

When we got to the airport, my parents finally told the girls they needed to calm down. And they obeyed, but only past security. Once we were at our gate, waiting for our plane, they were so hyper; I wanted to pretend I didn’t know them. Somehow, I managed to tune it all out.

A year ago, I was waiting for this flight.

On the flight there, the two girls would not sleep, and lucky me, got to sit with them. No escape. No way out. I couldn’t sleep. They wouldn’t let me. I twiddled my thumbs. I couldn’t read. I couldn’t even listen to music. They over powered everything. But I looked out the window the whole time. Somehow, I managed to tune it all out.

A year ago, I was taking this flight to Florida.

Once we landed, we had a small wait for our next flight. We got some food, and still, those girls would NOT shut up. I was ready to send them back home, or just stay in Florida, keeping my own peace. Finally our flight was called, but I stopped at the gates, I almost couldn’t do it. I couldn’t face the fact that this time, I wasn’t going to find Liam on the plane. He wasn’t going to be waiting for me at my seat. He wasn’t going to be there. But Valerie and Katrina pushed on. I followed them, but somehow, I managed to tune it all out.

A year ago, I had met Liam.

A whole year had passed, since that single moment that shaped my whole summer. That single moment, where our eyes met, my heart skipped a beat, and his eyes shone with anticipation; that moment, where I didn’t know the difference between reality and a dream. Where I didn’t know what was going to happen, everything was uncertain.  That moment had become my whole life. It had me wondering, about my own existence. It had me on edge, hoping there was more. It had me hopeless, caught in the beauty of his eyes. It was a moment I would never forget, I could never forget, I never wanted to forget. A moment I wanted to relive. 

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