Chapter 12

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He stood there shirtless. Only his headphones, hanging around his neck, came across his bare chest and shoulders. I may have melted a little inside, but not for the lack of clothing, but for the look of concern he had in his eyes. “Umm, yah,” was the only thing I managed to say. It was like he was looking right through me, like he barely knew me. I didn’t take my eyes off my wrist, touching it gently here and there. I could see him shifting his weight from one foot to another. “Brooklyn…” he said. I glanced up at him, and we both became silent. It was like we spoke a thousand words with just our eyes. He took a step closer, keeping my gaze, and resting a hand on my shoulder. It was like I was meeting him for the first time; his simple touch gave me goose bumps. My knees became weak when he looked at me. Or could I simply be falling for him all over again?  This whole moment made my body shiver. Then everything became slow motion. His hand lifted from my shoulder but found my own hand, pulling me to my feet. It was like we both shared a thought, we were finally at an understanding. Because as our eyes stayed locked his arms found their way around my body, while mine made it up across his shoulders. He pulled me close, my head hidden in his neck. His chin rested gently on the top of my head. His bare skin felt warm through my layers. It was a cold night; he must have been out running, because his skin burned against my frozen fingers. I rose up on my tippy toes, squeezing him tighter, and his response was to do the same. We stayed like that for a while, my fingers finding his hair, his lips gently touching the top of my head. My body temperature had gone up a bit since he wrapped his arms around me, but I was still cold, and Liam could tell. He gently pulled me away, holding me at arm’s length, “You’re freezing,” He said. I didn’t say anything. His hands fell away, his right one finding my left, he locked his fingers between mine, holding on tight, “Come on,” he said. He led me down his dive way. His hand felt amazing in mine, almost like they fit together perfectly. He stood close to me, his presence made me feel safe. We walked up to the house, stopping at the back door. His hand slipped out of mine, but he gently gripped my arms, “Wait here love,” he said, and went inside. I walked over to the stairs and sat down, rubbing my arms, trying to stay warm. I heard a door creak shut and I spun around to see Liam, fully clothed, and a sweater in his arms. He pulled me to my feet, and draped the sweater over my shoulder; helping me slip my right arm through, making sure he didn’t hurt my wrist. When I was all set, with both arms safely in the sweater, I pulled it close around me, bringing it to my face. It smelled like fabric softener, the faint sent of Liam’s cologne and freshly cut grass. It was perfect. Liam chuckled, and I let the fabric fall away from my face, slightly embarrassed. “Better?” he asked. I nodded my head, “Much.” He slipped his arm around me, and we began to walk to the front of the house, taking our time. I rested my head on his shoulder, a yawn sneaking through. “Are you tired?” he asked. I nodded my head ever so slightly. “Come on,” he said, “I’ll walk you home.” I couldn’t help it; I felt a pang of disappointment. I didn’t want to go home. Not for the fact that my parents probably stayed out later than I did or the fact that I had to sneak past Josh. I didn’t want to leave Liam. I wanted to walk for miles and miles on the beach. I wanted to keep my head on his shoulder. I wanted his arm around me, making me feel protected. I never wanted to leave his side.

We came to the path leading to my house. I climbed the single step there and turned around to face Liam. I reached out and pulled him close. My hands resting on his shoulders, keeping me balanced as I stood on the edge of the step. I stood a foot taller than him; normally we were the same height. Our eyes met and mine bounced back and forth between him. “I'm sorry,” I half whispered. “For what?” he asked. “For what happened today, I never wanted this, ever…” my voice trailed off as I watched the fear and regret leave his eyes. “I am too,” he said, a smile coming across his face. The butter flies in my stomach fluttered, as his hands reach up and held me around my waist. I looked out at the water, the moon high in the sky. “Never again?” he asked. “Never,” I agreed. I was getting lost in his eyes, but I had to pull myself back to reality, “I should go shouldn’t I.” I silently vowed to punish myself later for leaving this moment behind. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked it, but we both knew the answer. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek. I felt weird. I would have never even hugged a guy I liked, let alone kiss his cheek. Either the island was changing me, or Liam was bringing out the real me. “Good night,” I whispered in his ear. I pulled away, slipping out of his grasp. Just as his fingertips left mine, he spoke, “Good night love.” I turned around, a pain in my chest indescribable. My walk to the house consisted of slow moving and approximately 10 glances back at Liam, each time the smile on his face made me realize that with each step away, I was getting further, but with each step I was that much closer to see his smile again, tomorrow, and that was definitely something I was looking forward to. I paused as I reached the glass door, one hand on the handle. I turned around and saw Liam still standing there, not leaving until I was inside. His smile was still plastered on his face, both his hands in his pockets; he looked unbelievable in the moonlight. I lifted my free hand and waved at him. He lifted one hand from his pocket and waved back. I smiled at the ground and slipped inside.

Unbreakable (Book #1 - Liam Payne Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now