Chapter 3

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I walked through the doors of the house, a smile still on my face. My parents tried to talk to me, but I zoned out, I couldn't stop thinking about Liam. I walked up to my room, and walked over to my window seat, I grabbed my laptop along the way. I opened it up, and opened my story document, I began to write about what had just happened, adding it into the story, but my mind wandered, like it always does. But it didn't wander, making a whole new story; it wandered out and about the beach. As I looked out the window, I began to wonder, all the things I would love to know about him. I sat in my window seat, staring out the window, hugging my knees to my chest, the same smile from earlier still plastered on my face. I didn't move until my dad came through my door, "Brooklyn? May I come in?" "Oh hi, dad, yeah come on in." I said, moving my laptop aside, giving him room to sit. As he sat down he looked out the window too, "You know," he said, "This is my favorite place to sit in the house, I remember when you were just a baby, how long ago was that, eleven years?" he teased. I laughed, "Seventeen, dad." "Oh right," he said, "My little girl isn't so little anymore." I shook my head, "Dad, I will always be your little girl." He smiled, "Well, anyways, when you were just a baby, I would come sit here with you whenever you couldn't sleep, the window cracked opened just a bit, and I would rock you back and forth, you would fall asleep instantly to the sound of the waves." "Really?" I asked. "Yeah," he said, "and you wouldn't sleep for anyone else. Your mother used to try, and your brother too, but you only fell asleep in my arms." "See. Even when I was a baby, I didn't like them." "Brooklyn, don't say that." My dad said, grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze. "Dad, Josh doesn't like me; he never even talks to me anymore. I'm just his annoying younger sister." "Brooklyn," my dad said, sighing, "He likes you, it's just, there's a big age difference, that's why it's awkward." "Dad, it's not awkward, let's just face it, we are never going to get along, I mean, he's almost twice my age. He was 15 when I was born!" My dad sighed again, "Yeah I know but-" "Dad, just forget it," I said looking back out the window. My smile from earlier was gone. My dad sighed yet again, "Now, tell me one thing, why do you hate your mother?" I took a deep breath, "Because she's always comparing me to Josh, telling me to do what he did, asking why I'm not more like him." "Sweetie-" "Dad I hate it. She doesn't realize how much it hurts me. I've tried to please her, it's just no use, she always liked Josh better, and she always will, let's just face it, I was an accident." "Brooklyn Maria, Darren! You were not an accident! We always wanted our little girl! And after 15 years, we were lucky to get you! You weren't an accident, you were a miracle!" I sighed, "Thanks dad," I said giving his hand a squeeze. "Come on sweetie; let's go sneak some ice cream before your mother starts supper." I laughed as he led me down the stairs, "Oh, Dad, you know me so well."

"What are you doing!" we heard Mom come into the room. Dad spun around with his face covered in ice cream, I laughed as he looked up at Mom with puppy dog eyes, sticking out his lower lip, "Come on," he said, pleading. "You are both going to ruin your supper," she said snatching up the tub of ice cream. Dad slouched over in defeat, "It's like she's trying to be my mom too." I laughed, my dad was always one who could cheer me up, make me laugh. "Now watch," he whispered. He went to turn his head slowly to watch Mom put the ice cream away, but he got a big surprise when a spoon full of ice cream hit him in the face. "Bulls eye." Mom said. I found myself laughing. Never had my mom acted like this, I kind of liked it. Dad licked some of the ice cream off his face, "Not fair," he mumbled. Mom and I laughed, she licked the spoon clean, "Now go clean up, supper's almost ready." We laughed as Dad slumped off to the bath room. "Nice one Mom," I said to her, helping clean up the ice cream on the floor. "Thanks sweetie," she said putting the spoon in the sink and walking over to the freezer. "But mom, I have to ask, what changed?" She sighed, putting the ice cream away. She walked over to the table and sat down, "Sweetie, please don't get mad." I got to my feet, studying her from afar. "But I overheard your conversation with Dad." I took a step back, "Oh," the only thing I managed to say. "Do you really hate me?" she asked. I didn't know how to respond to that, no one had ever asked me. "Mom," I sighed, "I don't hate you, I hate the way you treat me." "But, how do I treat you?" "Mom, you treat me like I'm worthless, like I don't exist. I thought that would all change when Josh moved out, but you still find ways to pin things on me, it just feels like Josh is your favorite." "Brooklyn, I don't play favorites," she said, "I never will. And I didn't know you felt this way; I just thought it was teenager things." "It is, sometimes, but other times, it just really hurts me." "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry, I'm just trying to care about you." I sighed, "Mom, I know that you care about me, all I'm asking is to please stop comparing me to Josh, he's gone and has been for 8 years, he moved on and you need to too. I'm not Josh and I never will be, you just have to accept who I am, love me for me." Mom stood and pulled me to my feet, "I will sweetie, I always will." She pulled me into a hug. Not one of those two second hugs, just to get it over and done with, a real hug, one that made me feel all warm inside. I missed those hugs, and at that moment, that's exactly what I needed.

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