Chapter 14

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And he did. We spent our next week together, never being apart, never leaving each other’s side. We made the most of the time we had together, making it last. It all started back at the party. After we talked, things felt a little different. I wasn’t as bold about him with my family as I thought. I had a tendency to introduce him to the guests as my friend, never hinting or mentioning to what was going on between us. Instead of acting like a couple, which we both strained to not do, we acted like best friends, and at that time, that was all I needed. The evening went as planned for my parents, and they were happy once the party was over to hear that the guests thought it was a huge success. Even with the alcohol in her system, my mother was beaming with joy. Liam went home with his parents, but he promised to meet me in the morning. And he kept his promise. That was one thing I loved about him, he never broke a promise. No matter how simple. That morning, I woke to a low knocking on my door. I shuffled to the door, not thinking about who could be behind it, and swung it open. Liam had been standing there, with a picnic basket in his arms. I had glanced down at myself, still in pajamas and bed head. But he didn’t care, after I got dressed, he brought me down to the beach, and we had a breakfast picnic on the beach. We spent the rest of the day, in and out of the water. We tanned on the beach, floated in the ocean, and slept in the shade. No one bothered us. No one needed too. And we were grateful. When the sun had set, we did as we always did, and went our separate ways. This happened each night that week, and each time, I would hope that it would finally be the night that he would kiss me. But I knew to be patient.

As our days winded down, we were running out of things to do; places to visit. We had been to all the look outs. We swam at Magen’s Bay. We took the ski lift to the top of the highest mountain on the island. We had midnight swims. We even had a double date with Josh and Morgan. (I would say don’t ask, but things have gotten … different around here.) Josh has been acting like he wasn’t even married to Natalie. It scared me, but at the same time, I was excited. After the party, Morgan and Josh had become close, of course they had known of each other, and Morgan had liked him for a long time before that. I was starting to think, that I would find divorce papers all over the house after a week when I get home. I was happy for them when Josh told me that they were going on a date, but then I was a little unsure when he asked me to come along, I had told him, it would be weird because I wouldn’t have a date, but then he caught me by surprise, by saying to just bring Liam as my date. He knew too.

When it came down to our last two days together, I found myself scared. I didn’t want him to leave. There was still so much we had to do. We still hadn’t shared our first kiss. He hasn’t even asked me to be his girlfriend yet. I was scared it would never happen. We spent our last day together at his house. I helped him pack up his things. Helping him say good bye to the house he had called home for the past two weeks. As dinner time rolled around, his parents gave us some time alone. They headed over to my house and ate with my parents while Josh was out with Morgan again. We had the house to ourselves, so we made dinner for just the two of us. Liam tried to do it all, but I insisted, telling him that if he was going to accomplish his dreams, I could at least take a crack at my own. He was shocked to know I wanted to be a chef. I was a little shocked myself. I always considered cooking a hobby, never have I admitted out loud that it was my dream.

We ate out on the back deck, watching the sun touch the horizon. “It’s gorgeous isn’t it?” I asked him, pulling my chair next to his. I rested my head on his shoulder, slipping my arm through his. “Absolutely beautiful,” he said, watching the water, shimmering with the orange of the setting sun. We watched the sun the whole time, making its way lower and lower, until in the blink of an eye, it slipped below the horizon, and turned in for the night. Just then, Liam's parents came up the walk. We didn’t move. There was no point in hiding things if this was our last night. They saw us and smiled, but said nothing and walked past us, into the house.  I felt Liam take a deep breath then he pulled his arm away and let it fall behind my back, holding me. I pulled my legs up onto the chair, and cuddled into him, resting my arm across his stomach. I sat there thinking, this is it. This was the last time he would hold me this close. Soon the distance between us will be the entire Atlantic Ocean. I didn’t think my heart can handle it. I felt tears sting my eyes as I thought, this is the last time I will see him, for who knows how long, if ever. As I wiped away a tear, Liam grabbed my hand; he pulled me to my feet, and led me into the house. We walked to a closet and he grabbed a blanket. I didn’t say anything as he led me back outside and down to the beach. He spread out the blanket on the sand and pulled me down to the ground. He laid me down next to him, and pulled me close. I wanted to cry, and he knew it. I rested my head on his chest, as he hugged me close. I heard his heartbeat; wishing that I knew for sure that it was beating for me. I let the tears fall to his shirt, the waves rolling up to the sand in front of me. I turned my body and faced Liam, I lay on my stomach, but half on him, I hugged him, squeezing my eyes shut; trying to stop the tears. I took sharp breaths, trying to fight it all. Choking on my own sobs made it harder to stop. But his arms around me made me feel unbreakable. As long as he had hold of me, nothing could touch me. But I knew that as soon as he left I would break into millions and millions of pieces. I would shatter.

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