Grown stronger

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,,So, what do you think, sir?"

Remus's eyes were still attached to the mirror. He was surprised in a good way, this suit looked good, even too good for him. The only drawback he could find was that the suit at his shoulders was too wide for him.

,,I think it's great, "Tonks said as she noticed that Remus wasn't going to say anything," You look like a real gentleman. I like it,"

,,From the shoulders, of course, it should be adjusted, "Daniel added," but it's a quick few minutes of work. "

Tonks nodded in agreement, then walked beside Remus, smoothing the soft linen material of the suit with her hand, "What do you think of your suit, honey?"

Remus looked down at his wife's beautiful face and then smiled softly, "That's nice. Better than I thought."

,,I think we look pretty nice out there together, don't we? "

,,Oh, definitely. I have to keep an eye on you, otherwise, someone will steal my Mrs. Lupin from me, "Remus joked, placing his hand on Tonks' waist.

,,And I will keep my eye on you too, Mr Handsome,"


Half an hour later, Remus, Tonks, Sirius, Hermione, and Harry were ready to leave. Hermione was the first to rush away because she had an appointment with McGanagal to talk about returning to Hogwarts the following year. So, the other four walked around the wizarding fashion center, glancing at some store. Both Tonks and Sirius bought something from almost every store that happened in advance. Remus and Harry fall behind them quickly, standing at the door of a store, waiting for two of Black's cousins to make their purchases, both Remus and Harry caught a glimpse of the shirt on the display, it was a black t-shirt with a picture of Harry, a few years younger, on top and it had color changing text "Change the world, like a boy who lived!"

Harry rolled his eyes angrily, his lips twitching, "I like how I was asked for permission to make such a product," he said sarcastically," Is the whole world now going to start walking around, my face on their shirt?"

,,Maybe something can be done about it. This is not normal at all, "Remus replied in agreement.

Harry sighed, his eyes drooping, and his hands escaped deep into the pocket of his gray hoodie.

Remus frowned anxiously, not sure how to approach the young man, he carefully put his hand on Harry's shoulder and asked with paternal concern, "How are you, Harry?"

,,Honestly, I feel awful, "Harry replied in a remorseful voice," I feel guilty about this whole thing. So many innocent and brave people died. Had I done what I had to do before, half as many people would not have been hurt. "

,,It's not your fault, Harry. You didn't choose that destiny, you didn't choose ... to be an orphan and ... "

,,I know, "Harry said quickly," but ... "he sighed again, shrugging sadly," so many died protecting me, I know I couldn't stop my parents from doing it, but, maybe I could stop Moody, Dumbledore, and all those who died in battle. I put my friends in danger because I let them follow me. And all these funerals, I went to Colin Creevey and Lavender Brown last week. These are just two of the ten I was invited to. And I can't get rid of the idea that I almost should have gone to your and Tonks' funeral too and also Fred's." Harry closed his eyes for a moment, gathering thoughts and emotions, "It's all too much for me right now. I want to get away from it all. I don't want this gala at all, but everyone else seems to be thrilled. Sometimes I think about what it would feel like if I had never received that letter from Hogwarts. What would it feel like to be just Harry, not the chosen one?"

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