Lost in the Hogwarts

396 9 13

Warning, this is a very, very long chapter. About 15,000 words. If you want, you can skip this chapter and move on to the next one. But if you plan to read it, I really hope you enjoy it and I am very grateful!❤️❤️


At five-thirty in the morning, there was an unpleasant noise, that scares away any sleep left. Remus moaned wearily as he threw a pillow at his still-sleeping wife. A vague, "Uh," escaped from Tonks' mouth, she turned to the other side and slept on, the alarm clock still ringing violently.

,,Dora, it's time for your to get your beautiful butt out of bed. Otherwise, you'll be late for work, and most importantly, I can't sleep until you shut down this satan machine, "Remus said, pulling away Tonks' pillow and covering his face and ears with it.

,,Mmmh, "Tonks replied, pulling the blanket over her head, she didn't seem bothered by the fact that she didn't have a pillow anymore.

The alarm continued to ring.

,,Dora Tonks-Lupin, I'll push you out of bed in five seconds, five, four, three..."

,,Okay, okay, for the love of Merlin...I'm awake, "the sleepy woman muttered, pushing herself out of bed and closing the clock with one hand," Why I agreed to go back?" she turned her head to Remus and looked at him with a sleepy and regretful look, "I regret it."

,,Live it up, pinky, "he said, without taking the pillow off his face.

Tonks sighed, slowly crawling towards her husband and lifting the pillow from Remus' face slightly to peek at him, Remus was staring at her with a numb face as if he was tired of it all and wanted nothing more than for the woman to leave the room and let him sleep.

,,Would you make me breakfast while I take a shower?" she asked softly and begging.

Remus blinked, then looked straight into his wife's tired brown eyes, "Ugh, fine." he got himself out of bed and pulled on his old bathrobe.

Tonks smiled and then jumped out of bed, gave Remus a quick cheek kiss, and then went to the bathroom to take a quick and cold shower. After leaving the bathroom, Tonks climbed into the large closet of their bedroom to find her old Auror robe from the bottom of it. She put on her favorite black jeans, a black shirt, a purple corset top, and finally her old Auror robe. She looked at her mirror image, smiled, and turned her hair a bright bubblegum-pink color. With slightly cramped fingers, she attached her silver Auror badge to her robe.

,,After all this time, it's good to see you again, Auror Tonks," she said to her mirror image.

Going to the kitchen, fresh coffee and juicy turkey ham sandwiches awaited her. Her husband was sitting at the kitchen table, his head resting on the table, he looked up when he heard Tonks enter the room and a smile appeared on his face when he saw her.

,,I have this feeling of déjà vu. I feel like we're back in the kitchen at headquarters and you're heading for the third shift of past two days," he said.

,,It's a little weird to be Auror Tonks again, and not just Tonks, "

,,Shouldn't it be Auror Lupin, "

,,Theoretically, "she grabbed a sandwich from a plate and took a bite, and continued talking with her mouth full," But I didn't bother to order a new badge. Besides, I wouldn't feel like me then ..."

Before Tonks left, she walked into her son's room and kissed the cheek of her still-sleeping child. She left home with no major worries, she only hoped that her son would be able to behave well when he is at the castle with his father and that he would not go anywhere dangerous with his newly discovered crawling skills. Time was moving faster than Tonks could have imagined, and the queue to get into the ministry was twice as long as she had remembered. She used to be able to get to work from headquarters in almost four minutes, but now she had been waiting in line for seven minutes to get in. The best thing about it all was that she had no idea if the staff had to wait in line or had another entrance. When she finally got in and registered her presence, she ran to Auror's training area, which was somewhere very far from where she was now. Tonks felt like she was an Auror student again, and Mad-Eye was waiting for her, ready to pull her eyes out because she was late. She took down a little momentum, repeating to herself that she was now a trainer, and if she was late, no one would take her head off ... at least she thought so. 

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