Pack Always Sticks Together

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Early in the morning, as soon as Auror's office opened, Tonks headed there, taking Teddy with her. By the time she left the house, everyone else was asleep, only Molly who had come to their aid again in the morning to prepare breakfast for all the children was engaged. When Tonks woke up, Teddy was also immediately awake, demanding someone's attention. Molly suggested that Tonks might leave Teddy in her care, but Tonks didn't want to. She knew there were children in the house who needed more help, so she took her little son with her, placing him with his baby carrier on her stomach. She went to the ministry and registered at the security desk as a visitor and then headed to Auror's office. As the time was still early, half of Auror's office was empty, only a few employees were present. As she walked past the familiar office, Tonks felt a little sad that the job she had worked so hard for was now a memory. She stopped for a second in front of the door of her old office, the office door still had a sign, "Auror N.Tonks." She wanted to move on, but without being able to stop herself, her hand began to move toward the door link. Just before her hand touched the link, a harsh voice came from behind her, "Your place is not here, Nymphadora!"

Tonks turned around and saw someone she wouldn't have believed to see here, even in her worst nightmare, "Your place even less, Hildson. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in prison?"

,,For what? Because I did my job when you disregard the command and resisted the Aurors?" Hildson asked, his eyes no longer had the gloss against Tonks that had been there before.

,,You tortured innocent people who happened to be my friends! "Tonks replied sharply, making Hildson smile.

She was ready for Hildosn to say something insulting, something about treacherous and disobedient, but instead, the smirking man said," As I see it then, the rumors that you and your animal have multiplied are true. I'm sorry about you. You have corrupted your beauty against something that is obscene and repulsive. You could have done better. "

Tonks said nothing, she knew that Hildson was not worth the time, and every moment she spent talking to this bastard, the greater the time when a number of children were away from their parents. She began to move on, but Hildson's strong grip stopped her.

,,What do you think you're doing, Nymphadora? You don't have the right to be here, much less the right to take something from here. You'll either leave right away with your so-called baby or I'll imprison you both. "

,,I have the Minister's permission to take all the files I need from the file warehouse. You let me go if you don't want to report to the Minister for your actions, "Tonks said simply, not allowing herself to get angry because of Hildson, but Hildson seemed not to listen to her, "Go and do your work while you still have it, Death Eater," she then pulled her hand away from his grasp and then walked confidently and purposefully toward the storage room.

She opened the warehouse door and met a friendly smiling older woman who sat at the table and repaired the old torn files with her wand. She looked up and gave Tonks a wide smile before saying, "You must be Mr. Minister's friend, Tonks right?" as Tonks nodded, the woman jumped up from her chair and walked to the table at the other end of the room, taking over 20 dossiers, "So, here are all the werewolf attacks on children over the past five years. I hope these can help you. If you need anything else let me or minister know, "

,,Thank you, "Tonks replied, accepting the files and shrinking them small enough to fit in the front pocket of the Teddy's carrier," I'll bring them back as soon as possible. Where do I sign? "

About an hour later, Tonks was home again. Before going home, she had gone through a grocery store and bought a lot of sweets, juice, sweet and savory baby food, and other groceries. She also went through one of her favorite pizza restaurants to buy five large pizzas to go. The first thing she did when she entered the gate was to see five puppies and Moon running around the yard and playing with each other. The little black puppy had lost all fear of these wild wolf puppies. Tonks smiled and then headed inside the house. She was surprised that there was complete silence in the house and the only ones who were awake were Remus, Molly, and Ezra, whom Molly held in her arms and fed with a bottle of milk.

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