A new way of life

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,,Remus, move your butt, or you'll be late! "Tonks shouted at her husband, who was trying to feed his almost half-year-old son with sweet potato and carrot puree by making stupid faces.

But Teddy just laughed at his father's dumb faces and spat out the whole puree again, covering the whole feeding table with a yellow slap.

,,I'm not giving up, Dora. I can make him eat it, be it the last thing I do! "Remus replied stubbornly, a combative look on his face.

,,He doesn't eat it anyway. You really have to go, Wolfy. I can feed him myself. You go before Minerva gives you a detantsion, "she said, putting Ezra down and letting her crawl toward the toys that covered the entire floor.

,,But you barely have any milk left and he's old enough to eat it. "

,,Have you tried it yourself, Remus? It's disgusting, I wouldn't eat it if I were him. It's just tasteless mud. I'd better give him a pear and apple puree, at least he'll eat it. "

Remus frowned and said, "We can't just give him sweet all the time."

Tonks shrugged and stepped over the pile of toys toward her husband and son, "I'll ask Molly maybe she knows some recipes. But really, darling, you have to go."

Remus sighed heavily, a slightly melancholy look appeared on his scarred face, "I don't want to leave you. The thought of being away from you all day is painful. And ..."

,, Remus, we're fine. Lydia also promised to help around noon. I can do it, honey. And ... and if you're worried that students don't treat you well, I'll tell you that thought is stupid, you're a great teacher, and students know it and they will see it more than a curse you can't control, " she smiled softly at him and wrapped her arms around his narrow body, "You know I'm right,"

,,Yeah, I know your right. You always are and I am very grateful for that. "he kissed her hair, which was striped pink, purple and dark blue this morning.

Teddy waved his small hands at his parents and laughed in his high voice, waving his arms more and more until Tonks lifted him out of his high chair and sat him comfortably on her hip. But the little boy was not happy with this position either, and he began to scramble more and more in Tonks' hands, his hands waving in every direction. Finally, the parents noticed what their son wanted, and Tonks had him sit next to Ezra on the carpet. For a few seconds, Teddy sat beautifully, his eyes wide watching Ezra crawling across the floor to various toys. The little boy felt so fascinated by the girl's skill that he deliberately or accidentally began to lean forward, and suddenly he was already leaning forward so much that his still weak spine could no longer hold him up, and he fell against the carpet with his face. Tonks laughed out loud while Remus smiled, holding his laughter back. Teddy, however, did not begin to cry, only a slight whimper came out of him, and even then he raised his head and began to pull the rug towards him with his hands and push himself forward with his small feet. He didn't move much forward, but some centimeters, but this little progress made both the boy and his parents smile proudly. Teddy pushed himself further and further toward Ezra, who was now sitting by the wall and chewing with her tiny baby teeth. The girl looked at him with a curious, appreciative look on her face, as if she wasn't sure if the boy's minimal progress was worth her attention at all. When Teddy was only a meter away from Ezra, the little girl decided to stop his little performance, she placed her hands on the wall and, leaning against the wall, she straightened her little legs and got up from the ground. Teddy looked at her with his big purple eyes, his head sinking slightly back. Ezra frowned for a moment, then stepped past the boy in short, uncertain, yet with steps. Teddy's face was unreadable after that, her parents not realizing whether their little son was angry, frustrated or unhappy. It seemed to be something in between.

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