Forgotten children

585 11 13

Can anyone guess what will happen in this chapter?

By the way, this is a very long chapter. This is to overwhelm the previous chapter which was pretty short and uneventful.


The music filled the entire lower floor of the Lupins cottage. The sky shone a beautiful bluish silver glow of the night sky, half-moon adorned the subtlety of all this view. Candles, roses, and empty champagne glasses covered the living room table. Romantic candlelight echoed in a dark room, warming both the room itself and the hearts of two souls fused into one. The sweet scent of roses and raspberry candle wax flew around them, and the proximity of it, wine, and companion made them intoxicating. They danced around the room, letting the soft music take over. As if in a trance, they could not control themselves in their movements, they were controlled by their deep feelings and the calm waves of emotions. Remus' hand rested on Tonks' waist, while his other hand gently held Tonks' tiny warm hand. This other Tonks' hand that was not firmly entrusted to Remus was resting on his shoulder, just as her head rested on his other shoulder. She hummed with the old song "Stand by me" which came from their radio. Remus smiled, he loved his wife's singing voice, especially when she sang Teddy asleep.

,,It's a very beautiful evening, Dora, thank you for that, "Remus whispered in his wife's ear.

,,That's the least I can do. You're going to work in Hogwarts and we may not have much free time to spend together, "Tonks replied, pushing a quick kiss to Remus' jaw before putting her head back on his shoulder," I need to make you enough good memories to fight dementors who are still in the forbidden forest and also I want to make sure you don't find a new teacher bride at school."

Remus pulled her a little closer and placed his head on the crack of her neck, "Don't worry, Dora. Teachers really are not my taste, I prefer pink-haired, clumsy Aurors, and luckily there's only one in the world."

,,Thank God, I was already afraid I would have to pretend to be a toxic and jealous wife, "she laughed back.

When the song ended and the muggle rock band the Queen's song "I was born to love you" started to sound, they went back to sit on the couch. Tonks crawled into Remus as close as she could and rested her head on his chest. Remus handed her the chocolate frog, they had them a lot on the table. Smiling, Tonks took it and opened it, the chocolate frog that was stuck in the box tried to jump as soon as Tonks opened the pack, but before the frog had a chance, the former Auror deftly caught it. As she ate sweet chocolate, she took the card out of the pack and began to examine it. Her eyes widened when she saw whose card it was and then she started laughing.

Remus raised an eyebrow and looked at her in surprise, "What are you laughing at, Dora?"

,,Oh, nothing special, just this card is something I didn't expect. Listen to this, 'Remus John Lupin, the only werewolf to ever gain the Merlin Order First Class Award. Lupin gained his fame as a war hero and fighter in both the First and Second Wars of the Wizarding World. He was one of the most esteemed members of the Order of the Phoenix. In addition, Lupin is a teacher, a friend, and one of the father figures for Harry Potter himself. Lupin is the husband of Auror Nymphadora Tonks-Lupin with whom he met at the Order and married on 23 July 1997 and he is also a father to Edward Remus Lupin. Lupin is a good example to people of how even a curse like Lycanthropia doesn't stop you from living a normal life as a hero.' yeah normal life, this part is a joke, yeah? What is normal in any of our lives. Normal life is boring!" she looked at her husband and smiled at his confused look," What's wrong, Wolfy?"

,,Are you kidding me? "

Tonks frowned playfully, "You don't believe me? See for yourself," she handed the card to Remus, who quickly accepted it.

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