Building a new life

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It had been a week since the Lupins were forced to wear gorgeous gala clothes. This week had passed quite calmly. The biggest events of that time were Teddy's dirty diapers and three magazine articles with big and eye-catching headlines aimed at Lupins. "Lovers of the war: Marriage of The Werewolf and the Metamorphmagus" was the first article discovered by Tonks and Remus, it was written in one of Andromeda's favorite magazines. The whole article was dedicated to discussing the relationship between Tonks and Remus, highlighting the facts and other people's opinions. The great consolation for both of them was that the article was with a positive message. And after reading this article, Tonks kept teasing Remus for several hours, saying, "See? People aren't as wolf-hostile as you thought! They don't care, they don't care about our marriage. They are all cool with it!"

The second article was of the day of the prophet. This article had a slightly sharper content, but not in the worst sense. It was mostly Umbrige's words. And the most eye-catching part of this article was the photo of the Lupins when they all smiled, even Teddy.

"A Wife stepped out for her Werewolf husband" was the grand title of the article, "Former Auror Nymphadora Tonks openly stated that she loves her Werewolf husband and that her husband, Remus Lupin, is more than just a werewolf. "He was always a real gentleman, with a good sense of humor." she said." was one paragraph of the article, and it was also Tonks' favorite part, "They never let go each other's hands during the whole interview."

Unfortunately, this wave of positivity did not last longer, than the publication of the third article, "A couple of monsters are raising a freak child," they did not even read the entire article until Tonks tore the newspaper from Remus's hands and threw it in the fireplace.

,,I tolerate being insulted, "Tonks said harshly, so seriously that even Remus had the goose-flesh on his skin," But if anyone insults my son, he'll pay for it! "

Remus spent half a day convincing Tonks that it would be foolish to go and attack the journalist who had written this article. After that, Tonks was in a bad mood for several days. The young mother could not understand how bad things could be said against a tiny four-month-old child. Remus tried to tell her it was all his fault, but as soon as he said that, Tonks stopped him quickly, saying that the only thing Remus was guilty of was that he was the best man in the world. Within a few days, they had forgotten it all, and they moved smoothly back to their routine, raising their son with love and care. Tonks was fully focused on her work of being a mother. Besides dealing with the child, she didn't even notice Andromeda and Remus whispering and discussing something. Tonks thoughts were completely wiped out of her head, she had completely forgotten that her birthday was coming soon. Andromeda and Remus wanted to give her something special, but they couldn't figure out what to give her. Neither of them had any idea. Every idea that came to their minds seemed somewhat vulgar and not worthy. Remus wanted to give her something big. At first, he had a week to come up with something. But without even noticing, he had run out all this time. And so he fell asleep the night before his beloved wife's birthday so that he had no gift for her. 

The next morning, Remus woke up early. He decided that although he didn't have a gift for Tonks, at least he would make her birthday memorable. He carefully climbed out from the bed, took Teddy from his cradle, and headed downstairs with him. He fed Teddy and then put Teddy on the baby swing that Sirius had given to them. After making sure Teddy was all right, Remus kissed his blue hair and went to the kitchen to prepare a royal breakfast for Tonks. 

He started making pancakes. He had become a very skilled pancake maker during the year. Never before had Remus made as many pancakes as he had after he met Tonks. Chocolate pancakes with whipped cream, honey, and berries had always been her favorites, and Remus made them quite often for her. And now this tiny sweet tradition was a problem. How can he make her the same breakfast on her birthday morning that he makes her anyway at least once a week? He sighed hard, and continued to make pancakes. Better them than nothing, he thought. As Remus made pancakes, he listened intently. First, he wanted to make sure Tonks was still asleep, and second, he was very worried about Teddy, who was in his swing. Every few minutes, Remus peered out the kitchen door, glancing at the living room. Teddy was calm in his swing, playing with hanging fairy-like toys. Moon, a little black puppy, sat faithfully next to Teddy, watching the boy's every awkward movement. 

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