The Ungodly Machine

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I wasn't sure where to go from there. Oli's death had hit us all hard. Now, we had no choice. We had to kill each other off, one by one, in order to rid the house of this evil.

Everyone was in a panic from the explosion. Justine knew she and her friends were in trouble. Everyone piled up into the library.

"Okay," Tim asked. "What just happened?" Everyone sat down.

"I can't believe it!" Glozell exclaimed. Justine took a moment to gather her thoughts. It felt like she had been hit hard in the chest with everything that has happened so far.

"Wait a second," LeLe asked. "Was that the driver?" Justine's eyes grew wide. She didn't even notice there was someone in the car.

"Yes," Sierra shouted. "He's just laying on the ground!"

"I'm not getting near that car at all." LeLe stated. Justine sank down into her chair.

"Here's the thing," Matt stated. "I'm trying to get back to 2016. We've got to find the four artifacts or we can't go home."

"Well," Glozell stated. "Somebody's gonna die. Maybe we could decide who gon' die."

"No!" Joey shouted. "Oh my God! She wants to kill us!"

"People are gonna die regardless," Matt stated. "It said that we have to vote people in to who's gonna do the challenges." Justine stood up from her seat.

"Well," Justine stated. "I'm going to make sure as many of you as possible get the hell out of here. Mark my words." Eva grabbed a note book from her pocket and wrote everything Justine said.

"Why-" Shane went to ask.

"She said to mark her words," Eva stated. "So I am marking her words."

"I don't know about you guys," Joey stated. "But I haven't checked my email in, like, 48 hours."

"What do we know?" Glozell asked.

"Okay," Justine stated. "Well, we know from Oli's pocket that that symbol that was on that telegram is what's gonna lead us to our next clue."

"So," Matt stated. "We got to look for more of those symbols throughout the house."

"Oh," Tim shouted. "What?! My wallet was in the car!"

"Okay," LeLe stated. "You know what? I think that we should just, like, start looking now."

"So," Eva asked. "Should we just split up?"

"I think we should split up." Justine stated.

"Oh my god," Sierra complained. "Splitting up is never a good idea, okay?"

"How much time do we have?" LeLe asked.

"Until the sun comes up." Andrea replied.

"What?!" Glozell shouted. "We only have one night?!"

"We have the one night," Matt stated. "Or we're stuck in 1920."

"Why are we standing here?" Sierra asked.

"Okay," Justine stated. "Let's do it."

"We need a clue." Glozell stated. Sarah walked into the room with a box.

"Ms. Ezarik," Sarah stated. "This arrived in the post earlier today." Sarah lifted the box to reveal a severed arm. Everyone screamed.

"What the hell is that?!" Eva screamed.

"Justine!" Andrea shouted. "What is with the staff in the house and chopped up body parts?!" Justine calmed down and examined the hand.

"Did this come from the bayou?" Matt asked. Justine saw Glozell pick up a note.

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