Buried Alive

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Who is working with the evil? That is the question that lingered through my mind all night. Any of us could of been in league with the evil spirit, but it's not me, so I don't know who is.

"One of you guys-" Matt began.

"Oh screw off Matt!" LeLe shouted.

"How did you even see that note Shane?" Glozell asked.

"I have perfect vision." Shane asked.

"With what the note said," Eva stated. "It could literally be anybody." The arguing continued. Justine just wanted to get out, so she had to stop the arguing.

"All I'm saying," Matt stated. "Joey took out Andrea, he sabotaged the entire death machine, it's gotta be Joey."

"I believe that." Glozell stated.

"I told her not to pick me," Joey argued. "'Cause I'm dyslexic!"

"That doesn't change the fact that you killed her!" Matt shouted.

"Okay," Justine stated. "Listen. Guys, Eva brought back a note that was with the artifact." Eva picked up the envelope and opened it.

"What the heck?!" Eva shouted, showing us the picture of a woman with green earrings and a red scarf.

"It's a super creepy picture." Tim stated. Justine looked at the picture closely. Justine had never seen that woman in her life.

"I don't know her...." Justine confessed.

"Who is that?" Glozell asked. Eva handed Justine the note for her to read.

"The location of the next artifact," Justine read. "Can only be found by speaking to the woman in the photograph. The inconvenience is she is no longer with the living. To get answers from across the grave, you must perform a seance. But, to ensure the circle does not open a doorway to unwanted spirits, there must be acquired a unique part of her beauty. An article of her clothing or her birth stone." Eva flipped the picture over.

"To seek the three," Eva read. "You must study the picture. Giving it all your attention, but must tear it to pieces right after you proceed. Once the objects have been found, return them to the golden dish and the seance ritual will be revealed." Joey walked over to the window seal and grabbed a golden bowl.

"So," Matt asked. "We need to find the three items and return them to this dish for out next clue?" Joey carried the bowl over. Everyone studied the picture for a long time.

"Green!" Eva shouted. "Green!"

"Emeralds!" Joey shouted. "Emeralds! Right?!"

"Yeah." Eva said. "That's it." The group continued to discuss the photo and split off into groups. Eva ripped the photo up.

"Gurl," Glozell said. "Hurry up and rip it up. I'm ready to go." Eva ripped up the last piece and a drawer opened. Justine walked over and picked up three keys. She gave one to Eva and one to LeLe.

"Okay," LeLe pipes up. "We should split up and go to the three rooms!"

"Ms. Ezarik," Arthur stated "I suggest that we check upstairs." Arthur lead everyone to the stairs and to the second floor.

"Upstairs?" Shane asked. "In this creepy house?"

"Excuse me?" Justine questioned. Joey, Shane, and Justine get to this woman's bedroom. Justine unlocked the door and walked in.

"Two gays and a girl," Shane joked. "Walked into a bedroom. Nothing happened at all because there are no straight guys." Justine shot a look towards Shane.

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