Betrayal at the House on the Hill

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With Oli, Andrea, Joey, Sierra, Glozell, Matt, LeLe, and Tim all dead, it was just me, you, Eva, and Shane. However, I think the worst part was that our only ally was a mad man and a diary. Our enemy was extremely two faced. How could I've been so blind to this Diary?

Arthur, Marvin, and Sarah caught the remaining trio. Diary tried getting out, but Arthur made sure all the doors and windows were closed.

"Nobody is getting out alive." Arthur hissed.

"Please," Justine begged. "Let Eva, Diary, and Shane go. They have done nothing wrong." Sarah held a knife up to Eva's neck. Marvin had a gun pointed at Shane's head. Arthur laughed, walked over to Justine, and grabbed her chin.

"Oh Justine," Arthur stated. "I am a confidence man and I played games with people's lives."

"That's just sick!" Diary shouted.

"And of all the games I've played," Arthur snickered. "This one was my favourite. But after playing it so many times, I had grown tired of it. I wanted more. Then the devil came calling. I was going to convince the evil within this house that I was its servant. When in reality, it was going to be working for me."

"You're sick!" Justine thundered.

"I needed the artifacts," Arthur stated. "And the previous owners gone so I could have this house." Arthur looks over at Justine and Diary.

"You played us." Justine snarled.

"Please," Shane begged. "Let is go."

"We won't tell anyone." Eva pleaded. Arthur pulled out a folded piece of paper.

"What is that?" Justine asked.

"It's a ritual." Arthur replied.

"We did the ritual." Shane stated.

"You did the wrong one." Arthur snarled. Justine hung her head down.

How could I have been so stupid? Justine thought.

"Good night." Arthur stated. Arthur placed a cloth over Justine's mouth. Justine struggled to break free.

"Justine!" Diary cried. "No!" Justine's visioned faded out until she saw nothing at all. The last thing she heard were her friends screams.

Justine woke up in chains. She looked around to see Eva and Shane still asleep.

"Diary?" Justine mumbled. "Eva? Shane?" Justine heard something shake. She yelped, causing Eva to wake up.

"Help!" Diary cried out. "I'm stuck in a box! I have no hands!"

Shane, Eva, and I were tied up to these posts. Also, there was this crazy lunatic man in the corner. You were in a box in the room somewhere. My priority was to get the four of us out.

"Shane," Eva stated. "Shane, Shane." Shane woke up, gasping for air.

"Oh my gosh!" Shane shouted.

"Shane," Justine demanded. "Calm down, we need to-" Shane looked over at the lunatic standing over him.

"Oh my God!" Shane screamed.

"Shane!" Justine shouted. Shane frantically looked around.

"Guys," Shane panicked. "We're chained." The lunatic behind Shane screamed loudly.

"Justine!" Diary called out.

"I'm coming Diary!" Justine shouted.

"Hurry!" Diary called out. "We don't have time!" Justine looked around. She found a box next to her.

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