Did Someone Call for an Exorcist?

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We had all four artifacts and we thought we could go home. We thought we've done it and this nightmare was going to be over. We were all tired and just wanted to go home. We all wanted to forget about it.

Arthur slammed a piece of paper in front of the group.

"What is that?" Justine asked.

"This," Arthur stated. "Is the ritual from Oli's jacket." Everyone looked it over, then began to set up. Justine stepped aside and began writing in her diary.

"I'm going home," Tim stated. "I'm going to eat some spaghetti, pet my cat, call my girlfriend for some booty."

"I am so playing Zelda when I get home." Justine stated. "I am going to sell this place."

"Maybe leave out the death." Shane stated.

"Or," Justine stated. "I can just tare this place down and rebuild. It may take a few years though."

"I like that." Tim stated. "Just don't throw another God damn dinner party." Eva picked up the ritual instructions.

"The ritual symbol," Eva read. "Must be drawn in ash and sand seven feet on each side from the center point. Three of the artifacts must be placed onto the marked points of the symbol. Fourth artifact must be placed in the center of the inner triangle." Glozell stood at the center while Justine counted seven feet. Shane, LeLe, and Tim drew up the circle.

"We're going to go home," Glozell stated. "And we are going to party like it's 3016 because I never wanna even hear about the 1920's again." Justine looked down at the ash and sand.

"That," Justine stated. "Looks like demonic finger prints."

"Those are mine." Tim stated.

"Oh." Justine stated. Eva read on.

"One must sit," Eva read. "In the center triangle and wrap the black cord around the fourth artifact seven times while another recites the binding invocation."

"Okay," Shane asked. "Who's going in the middle?"

"Do we have any virgins?" Tim asked. "Like, do we have to sacrifice a virgin?"

"No." Glozell stated.

"It said nothing about that." Eva stated.

"So who's going in the middle?" Justine asked.

"I'll go into the middle." Glozell stated. "I haven't done too much honestly."

"Thank you Glozell." Justine stated. "You have been a great help tonight." Glozell waddled into the middle of the circle.

"I'll read the invocation." Matt stated. Everyone sat down around the circle. Glozell dropped to her knees.

"Okay," Tim stated. "Here we go."

"You guys ready?" Matt asked.

"Let's do this man." Tim stated. The lights were shut off.

"With the thread of the crimes," Matt read. "Of your own design, I bind your evil seven times. I bind you from behind, I bind you from before that you'll hurt my people never more. I bind you from the left, I bind you from the right, I bind you day by day, and I bind you by night. I bind you from below, I bind you from above. I bind you with your own evil within, so let this magic unfold. Goddess of the darkest night, bind the presence that haunts this home in Thu sacred fires of eternity." The artifacts started to fall over and a cloud of black fog rose above the group while Matt read. Once Matt was done, the fog lifted.

"Did we do it?" Justine asked. Evil laughter filled the room. Everyone gasped.

"What was that?" Shane asked.

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