Chapter 3

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'What the hell are you wearing, brother?'

Claude was more than a little confused seeing Joseph in a ridiculous costume. His brother looked like a marionette doll, that was dressed up as an ancient Roman god. He was wearing a plain white tunic, that was not long enough to properly cover his legs. It didn't even reach his knees! What if it was windy wherever his brother was going? Had he no shame? Someone might see his underwear! He really should try and save some face. And what if he catches a cold out there? Even though he is wearing that nice red cape, it's not nearly enough to keep him warm! His arms and legs were bare! He wasn't even wearing a proper footwear! Their parents would be so angry!

Though he must admit, that those golden jewels looked really good on his brother. Especially that golden leaf crown. It looked nice in his silky, pale, sunflower blond locks -which also enraged him a little. He had such a beautiful hair color! Why did he dye it? The new color looked good on him, but still!

'Though I guess he looks kinda nice. Still. I wouldn't wear that,' he shook his head in clear disappointment. 'What are you, my dearest little brother? A manekin?'

Turning his head to the side, he decided to investigate the room he followed his dressed up brother into.

And wasn't this a sight to behold?

The room was a pretty big one. There was a large table with 6 wooden chairs, right below the enormous window, that was covered by an elegant, simple white curtain. Through the glasses, you could take a peek outside into the garden, and you'd even see some of the branches of the huge willow tree that was growing not too far from the exterior walls. If you were looking long enough, you could also see the shadow of a really big spider as it was climbing on the glasses. Wondering how could that spider grow to such size, he turned to look at the table again. On the middle of the table stood a bigger candlestick, that was holding four lit white candles, and there were little white plates before each wooden chair, some of them holding some kind of fruit inside them. There were also a few cups with some kind of liquid inside, and a few more candles on each side.

What he found rather strange was the big, burgundy red curtain that was seperating the tables and the chairs from the other side of the room.

On the seperated side stood a big, comfortable looking armchair, that was decorated with delicate golden carvings on its arms and on it's back-rest.

This was the place his brother choosed to sit on. He seemed somewhat impatient, restlessly stamping with his feet, waiting for something to happen.

He didn't have to wait for too long. Other people started to appear, taking their seats around the table on the other side. Four of them came. Two girls and two males.

They looked shorter than his brother and each of them had some kind of tool with them. One of the males was holding a book in his hands, while the other had some kind of circular item. Two of them to be exact. A red and a blue one. He was curious what their purpose was.

There was a girl, dressed in a medical uniform. She is either a doctor or some kind of nurse. He wondered what she is doing here. Maybe her duty is to take care of the residents when they get sick?

But why was she here now? Aren't his brother going hunting for rabbits and rats? And why is his brother secluded from the other people?

Anyways. The last person in the room was another girl. She had a pistol in her hands and she was wearing a pretty black corset decorated with beautiful indigo feathers, and it had a shiny red ribbon tied into a bow at the bottom of it. She was also wearing a black tutu and a pretty indigo headpiece in her hair.

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