Chapter 7

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The match with Hastur and the two boys resulted in a tie.

Hastur got the Embalmer downed two times. He managed to chair him once, but the Seer was quick to come to the rescue, successfully evading the surrounding tentacles, getting his teammate out of the chair, even taking one hit for him, letting the taller boy escape from the hunter's sight for a while, giving him a little time to place a new coffin down, right before the slightly annoyed hunter would find him again.

It was amusing for Claude, really.

He was teasing Hastur the entire time, talking nonstop about anything that would cross his mind, making it harder for the god to focus on his task of catching the survivors.

Oh, he knew what he was doing, okay? He just couldn't help himself. It was so funny seeing the older getting more and more annoyed as time passed by, without him catching any of the two annoyingly slippery survivors.

He might have been silently rooting for the two anyways.

Okay, maybe not so silently, but well.

Finally catching up to the Embalmer, placing a tentacle down just to the right place, hitting the boy with it, Hastur took a deep breath, his eyes flashing in satisfaction as the survivor dropped to the ground. Slithering closer to the injured boy, slowly starting to lean down, fully intending to pick him up- just to jerk back in surprise at the ear-piercing sound of the siren, indicating that the last cipher machine was finally done.

Getting a boost of speed, the boy managed to get away from the annoyed hunter, slowly but surely catching up to the Seer, right when the man was finished with opening the exit gate.

The Embalmer left immediately, but the other seemed to be hesitating, looking back at the approaching Hastur with a complicated, unreadable expression.

There was a minute of silence between the two, just staring at each other, without saying a word. Breaking the strange, confusing atmosphere, the Seer bowed slightly to the god, turning his back on him, slowly starting to walk away, leaving behind the silently watching hunter, wearing the very same expression the survivor was giving him not too long before.

Just what on earth was going on with these two?

'Soooo- What's up with your bird-boy?'

"His name is Eli." the god had his eyes focused on Claude's form. He could feel his irritation growing with each passing second, so maybe, he should be more careful with his words. "And he is not mine. He is his own person."

'Riiight.' clearing his throat slightly, he floated to the couch, taking a place on it, before turning back to the older one. 'I am just curious. He said he can sense me. How is that possible? And you said he was The Seer. What is a seer?'

"He is a seer. He has certain abilities that allow him to see fragments of the future."

'Oh! Just like you? I don't know how the two things are related though? It still doesn't explain how he can sense me.'

"No. Not like me. I know the future because I am a god. He sees mere fragments of it, possibilities that might or might not happen at all."

'So, he sees things that aren't real?'

"I wouldn't say that. The future is a fragile thing, depending on so many things, it's almost always uncertain. Even the smallest, the most insignificant looking things can completely change it."

'But you know that? How?'

"I know each and every possibility. I know what was, what is and what would be. It is a great burden, one that I cannot share with anybody."

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