chapter 21

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“Don't curse, A-jiu.” Xie Bi'an frowned, turning his head towards the boy, who just showed up in their living room.

“Are you hurt, little one?” he tilted his head slightly to the side, a worried expression appearing on his face. “You had a game with Violetta, no? She did this?”

“N-no. Not my blood.” Aesop slowly walked closer to the hunters, taking a quick look around, not likeing the way he was receiving their attention. Along with the Wu Chang duo, the Queen, Luchino, Ann, and Hastur were there, sitting on the couch, drinking some kind of liquid from their cups. All of them had their eyes on him, except Hastur's. The god was just sitting there, silent and uncaring, his face -or more like, the thing that should be his face, the void, that was barely hidden behind his hood, his many eyes glowing from beneath it- turned towards the window. The hunter paid Aesop no mind as if he didn't even notice his arrival. Or maybe he did, he just found the boy insignificant. “It's Naib's. H-he is... hurt.”

“Oh, poor thing. Do you need Jack? He is probably in his room, I will lead the way.”

“No way I am letting you go alone with him.” The blackguard frowned, his expression turning sour. “I don't trust him.”

“You don't trust anyone, my dear.” he chuckled softly, a playful smile on his lips. “You can just come with us.” Xie Bi'an sent a quick, amused smile towards his overprotective lover, then he stood up, signaling with his hand for Aesop to follow him.

“Now, could you tell us what happened?”

“He took a hit for us. Wrong angle. His back is cut open. Lost too much blood. Unconscious. Shallow breathing, weak pulse.” he took a deep breath in. “Might not make it.”

“Damn.” Wujiu frowned, his eyes meeting the white guard's gaze for a quick moment. “Jack will be angry.”

“It's quite understandable. I would be beyond furious too if something was to happen to you, my love.” the smile disappeared from his lips. “Again.”
Aesop just looked at them, confused.

Weren't the two of them siblings? (No, they aren't)


“Don't worry, little one.” the white guard stopped before a big wooden door, turning his head towards the embalmer. “He will be alright.”

Aesop didn't reply, his attention focused on the door before him. He lifted a hand up, knocking twice. It didn't take too long to get a reply.

The person, who opened the door was not what Aesop was expecting at all. The Ripper had his mask and that annoying top hat off, his messy dark grey locks visible. There was an annoyed expression on his handsome face, a small mole just beneath his left eye. His orbs were red, many dark circles underneath them, his lips turned into a slight sneer as he looked down at the survivor.

Seems like he wasn't expecting Aesop. Probably thought it was the mercenary, though the other boy would probably not bother with the knocking.

“Well, well, what do we have here? Isn't it Joseph's little mouse I keep hearing about?”

Now, this surprised Aesop quite much. Was the photographer already talking about him to his fellow hunters? What did he tell them about him? And why did Jack call him Joseph's little mouse? He was his own person! No one owned him and they never will.

Also, what's it with everyone calling him a rodent? Sure, he had grey hair and he usually had it done in a small rat-tail, but it didn't make him a mouse, did it? It was so annoying! First, the ghost child called him that, then the photographer, which kinda made sense, since those two were related to each other, twins, if he remembered correctly, but now he will need to endure that ridiculous nickname from all the other hunters too? Please leave Aesop alone! He has a name goddammit!

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