Chapter 6

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"We need to talk. Now." looking absolutely terrified, Claude was frozen to the spot, as the deep, chilling voice of the creature finally reached him, sending shivers down his spine. Slowly turning to face them, he tried to grab a hold of himself, getting his emotions under control.

"Follow me. We will talk. But not here." nodding at the creature carefully, taking a small, trembling breath, Claude started following them, slowly getting closer to their room.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach their destination.

Hastur's room was nothing like he imagined. It was simple and cozy, with a small fireplace on one side, a pretty big, old, but comfortable looking bed on the other, and a couch with many earth-colored cushions on it beneath the big wooden window. The floor was made of some kind of wood, and there was a big, coffee brown carpet laying right in the middle of it. On the top of the fireplace were many small white candles standing, none of them were lit though.

It was surprising to say at least. He didn't even know what he expected to see, but it was definitely not this.

Maybe a few skulls laying here and there, black walls with blood spattered all over them, messy symbols written with blood on the floor and maybe on some of the walls.


That's what he was expecting to see.

Not this... surprisingly normal home.

Clearing his throat anxiously, he finally turned to see the Octopus-man sitting down onto the couch, watching him with an unreadable expression.

Seeing all those eyes watching him, a shiver ran down his spine, as he was biting into his lips nervously.

'Do you want to eat me?' mentally cursing himself for asking such an embarrassing question, Claude was dreading the other's answer.

"What." Hastur took a deep breath. "What gave you this ridiculous thought?" the creature seemed slightly offended by the question, which made him feel a little guilty.

'W-well. Your name is Feaster. So I thought...'

"No. I do not wish to eat you. Or anyone for that matter."

'Oh. That's good then.' Claude let out a relieved sigh, his form finally relaxing into a much more comfortable stance. 'So. What do you want to talk about?'

There was a long beat of silence, which made Claude feel a little uncomfortable, as he was being stared at by the many eyes of the god.

He just hoped the other wasn't too pissed at him for the previous question. It wasn't his intention, he didn't want to be rude, but it was bugging him since the moment he laid his eyes on that title. And he looked scary.

So it was really not his fault, okay?

"You do not belong here." the voice of the creature sounded deep, and rumbling, and as if it wasn't scary enough in itself, there was that strange, bloodcurdling tone in it, which seemed to echo inside his head.

It was like many voices were speaking as one.


"You were never supposed to come here. It was simply not supposed to happen. Your existence is a great mistake. An aberration."

At this point, Claude simply forgot about all that terror he felt before, as the burning anger started to boil inside his chest, taking the place of the fear, clouding his mind, making him unable to think about anything but the burning, blinding rage he felt inside.

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