Chapter 17

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Jack Whistler, or as some of you might better know him: The Ripper was not a person whose interest would be easily perked up. Sure, there were people who intrigued him, like that old detective friend of his- what was his name again? Oh, yes. Frederick Abberline. The man was already in his middle forties the time he began working on the Whitechapel murders, the ones that had The Ripper responsible for. He could still remember the good old times- when he was leading on the Scotland Yard, always one step ahead of them, watching with glee as they were being led by their noses. He absolutely loved how they were controlled by him, the sight of them cowering in fear, waiting in horrified anticipation for the next corpse to appear- the sign of them failing to stop the Ripper.

He loved playing with all of them, though he had to admit his favorite little mouse was good old Frederick. The man who gave his name to him. As a way to thank the detective for that, he even sent him some gifts, giving the poor old man a few hints from time to time, even going as far as to tell him who he would murder next- oh how he adored watching the man trying and failing so hard to protect his newest prey.

Fredrick was such an interesting individual. He was intriguing and fun to play his games with, but still, it was not a romantic interest. The man might have been a good source of fun, but he never really thought deeper of him. He was not worth his time.

So, yes. The Ripper has never been interested in anyone in a romantic way. Women disgusted him, and the man were all dumb idiots who only cared for running after the ladies. It wasn't really surprising that he wasn't interested in any of them either. He never understood how other people got so attached to each other, why they felt the need to court or how they found certain... activities pleasant. It was all unnecessary for him, nothing more than trouble- and he didn't want to become one of those thirsty bastards he grew up despising so much. (he hated prostitutes the most. Dirty filth of society, he wanted to kill them all.)

And this was something he and Jack had in common. Both of them hated the filthy whores, more than anyone could ever imagine, though there was a huge difference between the two of them. Jack was the "good" guy. Even though deep inside he wanted to hurt them too, he was too much of a coward to do it. Jack couldn't stomach the things Ripper did to the whores, and this was the biggest reason Ripper didn't let him remember anything that happened.

Jack would always be his priority. Ripper would always place his well-being above everything, after all, he existed to make his life easier, so he wouldn't get hurt so much anymore. Even if that meant Ripper would be the one to get hurt, even if he had to do unspeakable things so Jack wouldn't have to deal with any more trauma. Ripper swore many years ago, that everyone who ever wronged Jack would suffer- even the ones that didn't do anything yet. He couldn't let any potential treats go away.

Ripper was everything Jack was not: he was strong, ruthless, not afraid to take their life into his hands. Not afraid to end another life if it meant that would save theirs- and that was how all of this started in the first place.

Ripper was born on an extremely cold, freezing winter night. He opened his red eyes and saw the bloody mess that was on the dirty ground- that mess was him. Them.

At first, he was confused. Why was he there? Who was he? But then, all at once, memories started to appear, overwhelming him, making him relive all the suffering his other half had to go through. And suddenly, He had a purpose: protect Jack, hurt those who wanted to hurt them. So that was exactly what he did- every time Jack would be hit, Ripper took his place. The beatings were rough, but not something he couldn't survive, though there was something strange he noticed about him- he couldn't feel any pain. But, even though he didn't feel the painful pang of the broken bones or the aching burn marks on his body, it didn't mean that Jack wouldn't feel them too after another switch would happen. He learned that the hard way.

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