Chapter 11

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(From now on it gets mysterious...)

Keira's POV

Rene pulled Johnny outside and after about ten minutes they came back, Rene was beaming while Johnny was still trying to figure out what happened. Johnny was quietly mumbling to himself.

"Yo!" Someone yelled. I turned around and saw Paige. "Is Lucy around here?" She asked peeked into my room. I nodded and let her in.

"Sup Lucy." She said.

"The roof." Paige chuckled.

"So, Lucy. Have you met my boyfriend?" Lucy shook her head no. "In here, weirdo!" She shouted. The boy came in and it was Daniel!

"Wait- Lemme get this straight, Daniel and you are a couple?" Paige nodded yes. "Daniel... WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING SAYIN' ALL THAT JUNK ABOUT ME?!?!?"

"What junk?" Paige looked at him, poking him hard in the stomach." Hm?"

"Well, I, um... I was sorta c-cheating on you... heh..." Daniel admitted.

"We were not dating, idiot!" Lucy slapped him on the back of the head.

"We're done, Daniel!" Paige kicked him in the shin. Daniel collapsed on the floor, then Brianna kicked him in the stomach. She had cowboy boots on too. Daniel gasped trying to breath.

"What?" Brianna held up her hands. We all laughed, then Lily came and stroked his face trying to comfort him.

"What? I've liked him for, like, ever!" We all laughed even harder.

"Everyone out of their rooms!" One of our teachers yelled. All the students poured out of the rooms, Daniel was struggling to even get up.

"We are going to start the activities!" Mrs. Wilson said. She looked a bit chubby and she had an 80's looking hair style. "Group 1 go to-"

I stopped paying attention and saw the shadow from earlier run into our room.

"Lucy! Look! I saw a shadow!" I whispered.

"I know." She glanced at me quickly.

"She knows? How?" I thought. I've never told her.

"And, group 3 go outside and find your guide, Kimberly." Mrs. Wilson told us.

Lucy was the first one to run out the door but held it open for the other kids pouring out. She smiled at me, and I smiled back. It was nice to see Lucy caring about others. It was like she changed since we went to the new school.

I saw Paige glaring at Daniel again, that Paige was something... She had an awesome attitude, she also was pretty good at scaring younger people. Just like Lucy.

Then that thought crossed my mind... Lucy knew about that person, or thing. She had to tell me everything she knew...

When we found our guide, walked over to a forest, followed a path, and sat down in a shady area with a picnic table in the middle, we could start our activity.

"Now everyone listen up!" She said. Her red hair was in a loose ponytail, she was wearing tan shorts and a brown shirt. "This activity will require you to act as your favourite T.V show character. Using no words. Umm... You!" She pointed at Lily first.

Lily stepped on the picnic table and acted out Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time.

Then it was Lucy's turn. She acted out the Dr. from Dr.Who.

Then it was my turn and I acted out Amelia Pond from Dr.Who.

Brianna stepped up on the picnic table and took and deep breath.

"This. Is. My. Time." She lifted her arms outward and went on one knee.

"RAFIKI!!! Boom! Got it!" Lucy yelled. Everyone started laughing.

"Wait who's Rafiki?" Lily broke the laughter.

"You are no longer alive to me." Brianna turned away from her. "Just kidding."

Lily sighed and looked in her pocket.

"NOOOOOO!!" Lily yelled. "My phone. My phone. My phone! I left it at home! How will my followers on Instagram know I'm alive? I have to post every day or I'll disappoint all those poor people who have the pleasure of following me!"

Everyone glanced at each other. I started laughing and everyone joined in. Even Lily did after she wiped off mascara that was dripping down her cheek from crying a little.

A few hours later we went for supper then hung out in our room.

"So how's everybody?" I asked.

"Well, I'm great, Lucy has some supper that she smuggled from earlier so she's pretty good, I'm pretty sure you are in a good mood, Rachel might be dead or asleep so that's great, but Lily is so depressed she put on all the black clothes she could find in her bag which surprisingly is a whole outfit." Brianna replied.

"Night time girls and boys!" Our teacher yelled.

"Night." Brianna said.

"*Sob, sob* Night..." Lily cried.

"*Om* Night. *Nom*" Lucy said with a mouth full of food.

"N-night." Rachel whispered.

"Good night." I replied.

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