thirty nine

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jungkook had no idea what time it was as he stood on joonie's doorstep, all he knew was that it had definitely passed 3 am - he knew that hours must have passed since he left the hotel room - he knew that he was definitely still drunk, not as drunk as he had been, he could feel his senses coming back, inviting a major headache with them. and he knew that walking into joonie's apartment would be a bad idea, he knew they would all be in there somewhere, he remembered that much. and perhaps that's why he had been standing on the doorstep for probably at least 15 minutes, contemplating on whether or not he should walk in. he had been there for so long he hadn't even bothered to stand anymore, already after 5 minutes had passed he had slid down the door - his back resting against the hard frame.

everything on his body hurt. everything inside of his body hurt - everything hurt. even his fingers hurt as he took his phone out of his pocket, he struggled to click on a picture in his camera roll - and he struggled to both type and spell as he poured his heart out into another caption on his feed.


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foreverjk: i dranj 20 shots of vodka and i still mansged to remember youe name before i remenbered my own. too bad i didn'r remenber it before i let myself go to the placrs i told myself i'd never go to. now i can only sit back and hope it never reaches you.

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almost an hour had passed, the sun was starting to come up - and jungkook's vision was still blurry, especially as he lifted himself up from the ground, weak in the knees. jungkook wasn't sure if the others had gone to bed, or if they were still up. but he'd figure that out soon enough, all he had to do was open the door, and face what appears to be his worst nightmare, at the moment. he knew that he was probably in his worst state of mind at the moment - that he was messed up, and completely off the rails. but if they couldn't handle him at his worst - did they then even deserve him at his best?

jungkook let out a deep breath before grabbing the key that he permanently had in his wallet, and unlocking the door - letting himself in. jungkook heard the room go quiet, his back still facing whatever people were left in there. no one said a word, as jungkook locked the door again. he wasn't sure if it was because they were shocked with his appearance or if it was because they could tell how far gone the youngest was. jungkook didn't even bother to hide his shaking hands as he turned - he didn't look up at the others, just walked straight past them, into the bathroom - and once again jungkook was faced by his own image.

aggressively he grabbed something to remove the lipstick stain on his bottom lip - he didn't want any of the others to see that. his face had been turned towards the ground, so he knew that none of them had seen his face yet. and that was probably a good thing. jungkook hadn't even realized he had been crying before he saw the dried tear stains on his cheeks. jungkook wiped them off as well. he didn't bother to fix his hair or his clothes. jungkook cringed at himself as he noticed the hickey again. he wanted it to be gone. jungkook knew it wouldn't work, but still, he couldn't stop himself from violently scratching it, to a point where his neck almost started bleeding. jungkook flipped himself off before leaving the bathroom. he needed a new shirt - the one he was wearing was crumbled, and smelled of vodka, perfume and cigarettes.

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