fifty five

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"hobi! hi," jungkook exclaimed excitedly, his voice louder than usual due to his excitement. the elder turned around, a bright smiel on his face as he noticed the younger.

"hi kookie! i'm curious, you know. why did you ask me to teach you some dancing? i'm pretty sure you're already better than me," hobi asked, there was nothing judgemental about his voice, just purely curiosity. jungkook thought about his answer for a minute or two, to be honest, he wasn't sure why he had asked hobi, or well he knew, but he wasn't sure how to answer.

"you're definitely better than me, but honestly, i wanted to spend some time with you, and ive always liked the way you dance, it's a bit different from the way i do, and i like branching out, and jimin said that you were a good teacher," the younger answered shyly, a bit anxious, he was afraid that hobi would somehow take it the wrong way. the elder didn't. "also, i really wanted to learn the chicken noodle soup dance right from the source," jungkook added hesitantly, making the other laugh.

"we'll keep that one for last then, should we start?" hobi asked a bright smile on his face, jungkook nodded, and then it began — normally, jungkook prefered to practice dance alone, simply because that way he wouldn't have to wait for anyone, and he could do everything the way he wanted to. but practicing with hobi was somehow even better than being alone, perhaps it's because the older is quicker to pick up choreo — even quicker than jungkook, or perhaps it's because of the way his laughter and smiles seem to fill up the entire room, making everyone else in it get in a way better mood — at least jungkook felt like his mood had gotten even better, and even though it had only been around 2 hours, he had already laughed more in those two hour, than his last two weeks combined.

"wait — so you clogged the toilet at your company, and then filled it with even more toilet paper cause you thought it's soak it up? but then it obviously made everything worse?" jungkoook summarized as he broke down into another fit of laughter, the other following after — the both of them soon laying on the floor, jungkook clutching on to his stomach in hopes of lessening the pain he felt from his laughter. the older was unable to form words, but jungkook took the laughter as a yes.

"well! you're the one who broke stuff in joonie's apartment and then let him believe he had destroyed it himself!" hobi retorded, the younger made an offended noise — jokingly of course. "well they already call him the god of destruction, him believing he had destroyed a few more things will only add to the image! i've been helping him get a stronger presence," the younger replied — the both of them laughing, again. something they had done a lot.

they were supposed to practice the whole day, but to be honest they had properly been joking more than they had been dancing, but jungkook wouldn't want it any other way. he had come here to get closer to hobi — and it had certainly worked, it didn't matter if it's through dancing, or actually through conversating.

"can i ask you a serious question though?" hobi suddenly asked, a little after their laughter had calmed down. jungkook nodded. "you're not signed to jyp entertainment anymore right?" the younger nodded again. "have you ever thought about joining bighit? bang pd-nim, mentioned that he'd love to have you not that long ago," hobi asked careful.

jungkook stared at him dumbfounded for a second. "i did once, yeah. a little before the scandal broke out, jyp didn't treat me very well, and then i saw you guys rise to fame — and your ceo seemed so.. down to earth? compared to jyp. i think we all know that whatever happens jyp always tries to make it about himself.. and i guess i just missed the freedom it looked like you guys had. i mean fuck, he even cooked for jin — and let jin post it." jungkook mumbled, adding the last bit to lighten the mood. "he's done that for all of us, quite a few times, you know — but just think about it jungkook, you're always welcome to join the bangtan boys — joonie too, he still raps right?" hobi then asked. jungkook laughed shortly.

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