fifty four

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my bear

today 11:47 am

my bear
i miss you, can we
hang out soon?

my kookie <3
i'll think about taehyung,
mind's been pretty hectic
and i'd like some time to
think, if i see your face it's
just gonna sway my decision

my bear
ouch am i that ugly? );

my kookie <3
quite the opposite, you know
that dummy

my bear
i know :) i just wanted some

my kookie <3
your ego is quite huge.
you know that right?

my bear
i'm just confident ): plus
since when has there been
something wrong with
wanting compliments from
the person you're in love with?

my kookie <3
don't say things like that!

my bear
why? does it make your
heart flutter?

my kookie <3
shut up. i'll talk to u
later idiot

my kookie <3
wait! do you think hobi
would want to teach me
some dancing?

my bear
i'm sure he'd love to, he's
just as whipped for you as
the rest of us

my kookie <3
yay! thanks bear, gonna
go talk to hobi then <3

my bear
bye idiot <3


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vtae: extremely jealous of the people who get to see you every day. but perhaps it's a good thing that i don't get to do that, i'm not sure i'd be able to handle such beauty anyways.

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yourhope: this is the most boyfriendiest picture you've ever posted, and i stand by that. in like a very fuckboyish way.
vtae: in case u were wondering, boyfriendiest is definitely not a word.
yourhope: ok and? not my fault you're not smart enough to invent your own words <3
vtae: my hatred for you grows every single day.
yourhope: wouldn't want it any other way bestie

foreverjk: prettiest boy
vtae: no u

njoonie: my poor child
kjinnie: we're gonna have to let him go soon
njoonie: i know, he's so grown up ):
foreverjk: not to quote tae but my hatred for you to grows every day

iMessage !
our hope <3

today 1:57 pm

v's future boyfriend
will you please teach me
how to dance better hyung?

our hope <3
you used honorifics, this
feels serious

v's future boyfriend

our hope <3
of course i will! when are
you free?

v's future boyfriend
all day every single day, mostly.

our hope <3
pfff mood, shall we just meet
up later today then? i teach you
dancing and you but me some
meat and sprite?

v's future boyfriend
deal :) thank you hobi!

our hope <3
you're welcome jk, i'll
see you later :) just around 4
pm in the dance studio close
to you where you met jimin
that one time, okay?

v's future boyfriend
okay! see you then


"how come you wanted hobi to teach you some dancing? i thought you were as good as you could get already?" namjoon asked carefully from his spot on jungkook's couch, jungkook sighed.

"i'm good, but hobi is better — there's always more to learn, and i've heard from other people that hobi is both an amazing dancer and teacher, so why not test out if he could teach me something new?" he then answered softly, "but to be honest, it's mostly because hobi seems amazing, and i want to spend more time and bond more with him, so that we can get closer," jungkook quickly added, making the older break out in a soft laugh.

"i'm sure he'd love to spend more time with you as well. jungkook. do you want to me to order you some
lunch before you leave? i'd offer to make something, but we both know i can't cook for shit." joonie suggested, making the other smile as he nodded softly, mentioning what food he'd like before he went to his closet to change into something more comfortable for later.

and that's how the both of them eating a little bit too much, as they fought to kill time. and when it was finally time for jungkook to leave, he hugged the older softly. "i'll just clean this up, and then i'll leave, i promised jin i'd go to him as soon as i was done here, i'll call you later, yeah? — wait, it's probably easier if you just call me after you and hobi finish up, do that, alright?" joonie placed a brotherly kiss on the top of jungkook's head as he finished his rant. leaving the other with a smile on his lips, as he nodded at joonie — of course he'd call him when he had finished. and then the younger left, extremely excited. happy to finally have some hangout time with hobi, so that he could get to know him better.

authors note !
writers block yeet, also i have to go to my sisters baby shower tomorrow, (edit: just realized it's almost 2 am, anyways today* ) and there will be so many strangers — yes my social anxiety is already killing me.

going bridge walking for the second time ever though on monday!!! so i'm very excited for that :)

i hope you're all doing great, remember to stay hydrated! (there's a heatwave going on in my country right now, and everything i've learnt from
it so far is that water and liquid in general becomes your best friend very quickly)

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