fifty eight

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real life !

"where are you taking me?" jungkook asked, voice shaking slightly due to how nervous he was, jungkook frowned slightly as he watched taehyung's lips form into a smile, what had he said that had been funny?

"sorry, it'a just that what you just said, could easily be misunderstood," jungkook rolled his eyes. not that he was surprised, taehyung's humor was indeed very immature. "sooo, are you gonna answer my question?" jungkook just mumbled out.

"i would keep it as a surprise, but i think we both find that overrated, and it's not that far away so who cares. i assumed you didn't want to be at a place where we could easily be.. found, let's put it as that. and also i wanted to have you to myself. so, i uh — i prepared a picnic, and i thought that perhaps we could go to the beach and just you know, chill? nothing too big and flashy," taehyung ranted, voice trembling slightly — scared that jungkook would either take it the wrong way or find him ridiculous. to be fair, taehyung wasn't very experienced when it came to dates — in fact this was his second ever date, and the first one had been years ago.

but jungkook didn't laugh, instead he just smiled genuinely. "i love that idea, thank you tae." he said, taehyung smiled — his classic box smile that jungkook had come to love. something about the smile was so unique — and just so taehyung, jungkook liked the fact that taehyung had a smile he had never seen before, a smile that belonged to taehyung only as far as he knew.

"i'm glad," taehyung whispered softly, turning on some soft tunes as the both of them let themselves be immersed in the soft beats and beautiful lyrics, taehyung smiling as jungkook sang along — his vocals as beautiful as ever.

"your voice is my favorite thing in the entire world, have i told you that?" taehyung  whispered as he parked the car, a blush rose on jungkook's cheeks. "thank you," he whispered back. shy smiles on the both of their faces.

"can i call you jeongguk?" taehyung had a moment of bravery as he asked, his smile faltering as he watched the surprise that rose to jungkook's face, but then younger did something he hadn't expected. he nodded.

"yeah, you can. just you though, and only because i know you'd never use it against me in anger the same way they did," taehyung's heart swelled threatening to break out of his chest as he listened to the younger.

"thank you.. jeongguk," the name sounded unfamiliar on his tongue, but taehyung didn't mind, especially since he knew just how much trust it took from the younger to allow him to use that name. 

"should we?" jungkook just asked, a smile for his face as he pointed towards the beach. taehyung nodded, grabbing the picnic bag and a bunch of blankets, allowing jungkook to carry the rest of their things as they found a comfortable spot on the beach where they didn't hesitate to settle down.

"you're so beautiful," taehyung whispered as he watched the way the sunlight reflected in jungkook's features. "you too," jungkook whispered. "i always thought so, my ex used to complain about me calling you pretty, you know," jungkook added, revealing yet another part of himself.

"i was your biggest fanboy, the boys were so annoyed at me because i was always talking about you," jungkook didn't believe in fate, but here was nothing so surreal about sitting here with a guy he had been looking at from afar for years — now knowing he'd done the same.

things got slightly more quiet and calm as they ate, but none of them minded — they were simply too busy just enjoying the others' presence. every know and the. the both of them would look up at the other — just for a second, a quick gaze to make sure that everything was real.

and as they finished eating jungkook unleashed his inner child, running around — a bright smile on his face. taehyung simply just watched, a big smile on his face, the adoration visible for anyone close enough to look at his eyes. a laugh escaped his lips as he got his phone out — capturing the moment.

love. he was so in love, and if he hadn't noticed it before he certainly had now, his heart ached so badly to be close to jungkook — to be able to see this side of every day that it physically hurt him.

"you make me feel whole," taehyung whispered into the empty air letting the words be carried away by the wind. not even close to loud enough for the younger to hear. 

"taehyung, join me!" jungkook laughed, bright features and big smiles. taehyung shook his head, but joined the younger nonetheless, and that's how the two of them ended up dancing on the beach together, something jungkook had always wanted to do with a lover — with taehyung.

"you're gonna stay with me right?" jungkook asked suddenly, as they stood and watched the waves that everyone and then collided against the shore. taehyung's hand resting around jungkook's waist.

"for as long you let me," taehyung whispered back, planting a soft kiss on his temple.

"are you ready to stay for forever?" taehyung smiled.

"i've always been ready, jeongguk," and then jungkook smiled as well.

the three magic words as other called them hadn't been said out loud — but the both of them knew that the sentences they had just exchanged meant so much more than those three words ever could.

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vtae: all i want from life is to always be with you. 🤍

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authors note !
was listening to 'who' on repeat and suddenly felt inspired (don't ask me how that works)

thank you for being patient as always, and thank you to everyone who sent sweet messages, i'm so thankful! and don't worry i'm doing okay, it's just a lot to get used to🤍

also school is still kicking my ass, and i have 3 extra shifts at work this week, but i hope i'll be able to update again soon!

i love you, have a great day/night <3

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