Thunder storms- 1

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No one's POV
It was raining and the wind kept hitting the windows. Today was cold and horrible.
The team still had to practice.

The freckled boy gripped onto the strap of his bag harder. He didn't want to go. Thunder storms scare him. In a mere few minutes this would be a thunder storm. He didn't want to freak out In front of the team. In front of tsukki. That wouldn't be good, he'd look weak. Tsukki wouldn't like someone weak. Right? He'd want someone strong and brave like him.
Thoughts flooded the olive haired boys head. He just had to be strong, he just had to make kei believe he was brave.
At least that's what yamiguchi believed.
"Hey daichi? Do you know where yams is? It's gonna start pouring it down soon and there'll be thunder. He hates thunder." Tsukishima asked worrying about his dear crush. If he wasn't there to protect and calm the poor boy down over the thunder what would he do. He couldn't let yama down like that, he said he'd always be there for him. Always help with his panic attacks. Always always. So he had to find the boy and keep him safe.

~~~~~~~flashback 3 years ago~~~~~

"The flowers are so pretty tsukki!" Yamiguchi and tsukishima. Always together, at first the shorter boy had just followed the taller without a reason other then tsukki had saved him from those boys. Tsukki didn't even want yams around, but soon enough he grew attached and it felt wrong without him.
"Yeah I guess they are. I really like the sun flowers." The sun flowers reminded tsukishima of yams. They were bright and happy, the middle was almost like freckles. They were like the flower version of yama.
He picked up one of the fallen, slightly wilted, sun flowers and leaned next to tadashi.
" but that was wilted tsukki?"
"It's still beautiful." He pushed yamiguchi's hair out of the way and put the flower behind his ear.
"What was that tsukki?" Yamiguchi giggled at the tallers actions.
"Shut up Yamiguchi."
"Gomen tsukki!"
A little while passed as they just layed in the flowers. It was beautiful. Then it started to rain, at first they didn't move. It was only calm rain, gentle. Nothing to be afraid of. Then it got really heavy and soon thunder joined in. They managed to get to shelter but yams was shaking and terrified. He was on the verge of a panic attack. There was nothing the blonde could do. He didn't know what was happening or how to help. He'd never seen something like this before.
As soon as the rain had stopped and Yamiguchi had calmed down in tsukki's arms, that being the only thing to help even a little so kei never let go, he promised the scared boy.
"I'll always be there."
"What do you mean tsukki?"
"I won't ever let you go through a panic attack again by yourself, yama. Being in my arms calmed you down, even if it was just a little. So I always need to be there.  If I'm there I can help you and make it better. Just call me every time you feel one might happen. I promise you Yamiguchi. I promise you I will be there." He had to stop himself from ending it with ' I'll always protect you. I won't let anything ever upset you' he couldn't say that. Yamiguchi would think he was a fool.
"Don't be silly tsukki. You won't be able to always be there. I won't let you drop everything for me. You have a life too y'know." Yamiguchi just didn't want kei to see him as weak. God knows how pathetic he looked having a panic attack over thunder. Ridiculous.
~~~~~ flash back over~~~~~

"So no one knows where he is?" Tsukishima said frantically. Everyone could see how panicked the boy was over Yamiguchi not turning up for practice. It was nice to see a different side of him, everyone knew he cared about yams a lot but it was nice to see him actually show it.
It was nice. But the group did have to face the fact of why he was worried. For the first time ever Yamiguchi wasn't here. He never showed up for practice. The team didn't know for sure since they'd never asked but they sensed it was something to do with the storm. Tsukishima had muttered something about the thunder earlier.

*********okay so first chapter!!!! I'm really excited for this book. I really hope people enjoy it. If you have any constructive criticism please tell me it would be really helpful!!! Also just tell me if you're enjoying it. Sorry for the shortness of this chapter they will get longer I promise!*********

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