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No one's POV

"Hey tada? Where are you? Why aren't you here? You're supposed to be here, Or atleast text me to tell me you aren't showing up. Are you okay? Please just respond to this yams. I will come help you. I promise I will, but you do have to tell me where you are and what's going on. I can't help if I don't know.  The thunder will start soon, I know how you are with thunder dashi." Panic could be heard in tsukishima's voice. He had called tadashi atleast 10 times. He hadn't picked up once. In the end tsukishima just left a message and hoped the boy would see it.  He'd see it eventually, but what if it was too late. Tsukki might not be able to help. He has to try.

Tadashi turned the phone over and over in his hands whilst he hid in the bathroom.  It was starting to get too loud. He needed tsukki. Tsukki had practice though. He didn't want the taller to miss out on practice, especially for the sake of someone so pathetic. Hiding, crying, panicking over something so stupid like a thunder storm. How ridiculous. How useless he was. How
How weak
A sob ripped through the boys chest. He just wanted tsukki to hold him again, tell him everything would be alright. Just like he had on that very first storm they spent together.  The night Tsukki made that promise. He shouldn't of let tsukki promise that. It was selfish. He couldn't take so much of kei's time.
His phone rang again. It had probably gone off atleast 10 times. Probably more.
This time though there was a message left. He shakily Brought the phone to his ear to listen to the message.

More tears rolled down his face as he listened to it. Tsukki was still trying to keep the promise. He still cared.
"H-hey t-ts-tsukki?"
"Yes tadashi!? I'm here it's okay. Just tell me where you are, please."
"T-the b-bathroom near our c-class-room."
"Okay just hang on. I'll be there I promise dashi!"
The phone went quite, tsukki had hung up. He was on his way.  There was still hope he'd get there in time. There had only been a few strikes of thunder so far. It was going to get so much worse but for now there was still time. He could still get there in time.  He had to make it.
Tsukishima didn't even want to think about what would happen if he didn't make it. He's never missed one, he wasn't about to change that.

It felt like a million years had passed, in reality it had only been 10 minutes. A few louder strikes of thunder had startled the boy. Making the olive haired boy panic. Every time it got loud he would scream.  He's lucky almost everyone had gone home.  He didn't want anyone hearing his pathetic screams over something like thunder.
The door slammed open.
"I'm here dashi! Let me in."
Tadashi couldn't even speak, all he could do was push the stall door open for tsukki to save him. Again tsukki was here. When would Yamiguchi save kei. Would that ever happen?
He felt strong arms around his waist and his body being pulled into the others lap. Anyone who didn't understand what was going on would think this was something cute a couple would do.  If only they were a couple.
if only.
"Hey I'm right here... right here.... shhhhh.... it's okay dashi.... it's okay.... look grab my arm...see... I'm here... I'm real... it's just thunder... look at me.... look at my face...see... I'm here...I'm real... and it's okay..." the boys panic attack was one of the worst ones ever. Even being in the blondes arms wasn't helping. Not this time.
This time it was bad.
Then lips met his. His breathing was somehow controlled again. He was alright again. Then the lips pulled away. A look of confusion and a blush spread across tadashi's face.
"What just—"
"I read somewhere it can help. I thought it was a stupid idea but it's the only thing that made sense right in the moment." Tsukishima interrupted the boy.
He just wanted an excuse to kiss him, and he had read about it helping. So why not try it?
It did work after all. And it meant nothing.
He could pretend it meant nothing.
"O-okay tsukki."
A blush was spread against both boys faces.
"Cute." Kei muttered. Dashi heard it.
"What was that tsukki?" He wasn't sure if he had just heard what he wanted to or if the boy had actually just called him cute.
"Shut up Yamiguchi it was nothing!"
"Let's go now. You're feeling better aren't you? And the storms stopped." It was pretty late now and they were still at school.
"Yeah tsukki lets go. Can we get a milkshake?" Yamiguchi pleaded excitedly.
"Tch fine."
Tsukishima helped the shorter up.
They went off to get their milkshakes, arms linked, chatting away.
"Mmmmm this is soooooo good tsukki!" Yamiguchi had a classic vanilla, his favourite, and tsukki had a strawberry one.
"Do you wanna try it tsukki?"
A blush found its way to said boys checks.
"I'm sure you do tsukkiiiiii!"
"Can it really be that good if it's not strawberry?" Kei said with a smirk.
"It's better then strawberry kei,"
"Hmmm sure it is tada,"
"I can prove it!" Tadashi shoved his drink towards the boy nearly spilling some.
"Try it!"
Tsukki did as he was told without a second thought. He was crimson now.
He pulled away. It wasn't too bad.
"Tch fine I guess. Mines still better."
"I doubt that." He giggled.
'God he's so cute'- kei thought to himself.
He grabbed the freckled boys face,placing his straw into the boys mouth.
"I'll prove mines better. Drink."
"Yours is good! But mines definitely better tsukki."
"You're never gonna give up are you dashi?" He smiled whilst saying it making tadashi's heart ache. He just wanted to call kei his.
"Of course I'm not."he giggled.
"Come on let's get you back. We still have school tomorrow. It's getting cold."
"Okay tsukki."

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