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Yams was going to spend the night at Tsukki's, it was a Friday after all.
He hasn't had a headache In a little while. He was fine. He knew it. They were just headaches.  He had told the whole team it was just a headache,so why did no one believe him. After the first incident there had been 4 more. Headaches that put the boy on the floor,crying and screaming in pain, in the blondes arms.  It's been awhile without one, if there was a serious issue they would still be happening,right?
He could do nothing more then hope that was the case.
Whilst Shoving a shirt and some shorts to sleep in into a bag,the boys phone buzzed.

[when are you coming?] 6:21pm

Dw tsukki] 6:22pm

[hurry up] 6:22pm
[i'm bored]6:23pm

[be patient tsukki soon I promise] 6:25pm

Tadashi giggled looking down at his phone.
'Tsukki really can be childish sometimes'- he giggled to himself.

"Hey tsukki! I'm here." A creak came from the door as he pushed it open. It always had a creak. Ever since the first time yams had came over, there was always a creak. It was oddly comforting, a reminder of his best friends house.
"Jeez for someone who wanted me over so bad you aren't making any effort to greet me." Yams scoffed to himself., making his way upstairs. The same way he had millions of times.
"Oh hey dashi." Kei was sprawled out on the bed,his shirt slightly lifted up to reveal his stomach.
"Why are you laying like that tsukki?" The boy giggled at his friends position.
"Comfy." Kei mumbled.
"Come." The blonde patted the space next to him. They cuddled a lot. When yams was having a bad day,or when they watched something, or when tsukki just wanted affection, or when they both wished they were more then best friends. They found any and every reason possible to cuddle. Neither would want it any other way.
Friday night.sleepover night. Every single week for years.  Yams would almost always go to tsukki's there wasn't a reason for this, it's just something that happened. It was a rare thing for sleepover night to be at Yamiguchi's home.
On Friday they would watch movies,cuddle,cook each other something. It's what a couple would consider a date night. They basically did everything a couple would just without the intimacy and without being a couple.

The two boys snuggled close together. They were just watching the ceiling. Silence. It was completely quiet; the only thing yams could hear was tsukki's steady,comforting heartbeat. He was happy to hear it, privileged even.
No one else could get this close to Tsukki. That would never change. It would always only be yams.
"Are you comfy?"
"Yeah. You're a pretty good pillow tsukki."
A blush quickly rose to the boys cheecks,lucky for him Yamiguchi's head was too snuggled into the boys chest to even see.
"What we gonna watch tonight,tsukki?"
"Hmmm I was thinking we could watch a horror movie." Tsukki wanted to see the boy scared and clutching onto him for help.
"We watched a horror last week thoughhhh," the boy complained.
"What do you wanna watch then. You always ask for my choice then choose something completely different,y'know" a giggle came out with the sentence as to not make it seem so harsh.
"Oh shut up. At least I have good movie taste. What about.... bridge to terabithia. You like fantasy and stuff."
"Again dashi?!?" They seemed to watch the film at least once a month. It was Tadashi's favourite so Tsukki didn't mind watching it over and over.
"Do you not want to?" A pout was said with those words. Yams knew how to make kei say yes.
"Tch fine. You idiot."
"Thank you tsukki!" He replied with a smirk.

By the end of it they were in each other's arms. Tadashi sobbing his heart out and tsukishima trying not to laugh at the shorter boy.
"B-but tsukki t-they loved each other. A-and she died. He w-was finally happy. They made a world together." Tadashi sobbed.
A laugh broke the sad aura.
"W-what are you laughing at kei? This is very sad. You're supposed to be sad."
"Just close your eyes and keep your mind wide open." Another cackle left the blondes mouth as he quoted the movie.
"You're actually evil tsukishima kei."
"Oh come on it's hilarious."
"No! I'm cold tsukki."
"You seem to always be cold now tada:"
It's true the boy was always always cold. Even on the hottest of days the boy was freezing. He had tried taking boiling baths or hot showers,but was still freezing. It wasn't too bad though, because he was always cold tsukki had given him a collection of his hoodies. Well more like tsukki had given him to wear and every time he asked for it back yama would 'forget' to bring it so tsukki would end up giving him another.
Tsukishima didn't mind this though, he thought the other boy looked adorable in his hoodies.
"It is getting towards winter y'know tsukki. Of course I'm gonna be more cold."
"True. Soon I'm not going to have any hoodies left for you to steal."
"That's a shame." The olive haired boy giggled.
"Here take this one." He tossed a dark green hoodie over to the boy.
"I really like this one. It's so pretty." It had small sunflowers embroidered on the sleeves.
"I know you do tada."
"Why do you like sunflowers so much,tsukki?"
He couldn't give the actual reason why. He couldn't say it was because they were so pretty and unique. He couldn't say they reminded him of Tadashi.
"Hmmm they're just pretty I guess."
He only got a giggle in response.
"I like all the flowers."
"They're all special. They're all beautiful."
"Do you think you'll have a nice garden when you're older. You like flowers a lot. You'd be good at it."
"Yeah I really want to have a garden. It would be so pretty."
'We could have a garden together' was all tsukishima wanted to say. He didn't. He couldn't.

What about our garden? (Tsukkiyama angst)Where stories live. Discover now