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The teens fell asleep in each others arms. Just like they had done a million times,but this time felt different somehow. They weren't sure what was different,but something definitely was.
"You awake kei?"
No answer.
A giggle left the olive haired teen's mouth. His friend looked so peaceful and happy. He always seemed happiest when asleep. Every time yams had seen him asleep, he always seemed to have a slight smile. Only barely there,but it was definitely there.
"You're dreams must be amazing,huh,kei."
Tadashi made no attempt to even get up. He was happily laying on the older boys chest, never wanting the moment to end.
Of course it had to though, he was bound to wake up sooner or later. Sadly.
If only moments like this never had to end. How perfect a life would be, one where all your treasured moments never had to end.

"Good morning dashi." Kei said in his raspy morning voice.  Tadashi always blushed at the blondes morning voice. Always.
"Jeez what's got you so excited."
"Were you having a nice dream,kei?"
"Yeah it was lovely. Why?"
"You looked happy."
"So you were awake but never moved off my chest. You must really like me Tadashi~" tsukki teased.
"O-oh shut up tsukki." A classic pout was said with the stuttered sentence.
"You seem to pout a lot y'know dashi."
"Stop teasing me mister giraffe."
The two fell over, back into the bed, in a fit of giggles. Another thing they'd done countless times.
They really were 'best friends' happy and content with that. Most of the time. Sometimes they both wanted nothing more then to be lovers.
But life is what it is.

"Plans for today?"
"What do you want to do?"
"Whatever you want tsukki."
"Hmmm how about we go to the garden centre. It's too cold to go to the flower fields. That's close enough right?"
"That sounds perfect tsukki."
Kei and Tadashi. Always together. Always and forever.
Tsukki knew Tadashi just as much,if not more, then Tadashi knew himself and vice versa.
"Look at this one kei!" The freckled one held a beautiful,large poppy in his hands.
"I don't like it."
"Why?" Said with a pout of course.

'It doesn't remind me of you. Not the same way a sunflower does' of course he couldn't say that. That would mess everything up.

"Dunno. Just don't like it much. It seems too dull compared to the sunflowers." He mentally cursed at himself for saying this much. Why didn't he just leave it at 'Just don't like it much' why.
"Can we go to the cafe tsukki? I'm pretty sure they have strawberry shortcake, your favouriteee." Tadashi pleaded to his taller friend. He'd been asking for ages now,but hadn't actually checked the menu. As soon as he had found out they sold strawberry shortcake he knew kei would agree.
"Tch fine. Can we just get some flowers first?"
"Yeah of course."
They both picked out a few flowers. Kei's house was too grey and boring without them. At least that's the argument he always used as to why he needed flowers. He only ever brought sunflowers though.  His favourite.

"You really need to choose more then just sunflowers kei."
"But I like sunflowers dashi."
The boy didn't respond to that, instead taking one of the flowers out of his selection. A singular rose. Romantic to a couple,Meaningless to a friendship. Right?

Yams gently moved tsukki's hair out of his face and behind his ear.
"Here." He broke the end off the rose (including all the thorns) and placed it behind the blondes ear.
"T-thank you d-dashi." A blush,nearly matching the rose,had spread across the boys face.
"You look absolutely perfect tsukki." Said with the most genuine smile ever.
"Hmmm perfect." He repeated then grabbed the boys hand to drag him to cafe.
"How's your precious strawberry shortcake tsukki?" The rose never once got removed from the boys ear. He had been given many odd looks.  Not that the boy cared in the slightest. His beloved had given him that, no matter how many looks he was given, it wouldn't be removed.
"How's your... fries?"
Shovelling another few soggy fries into his mouth he gave tsukki a look that said 'are you stupid'
Once he had finished his mouth full he finally gave the boy a proper answer.
"What do you mean 'fries' of course they're fries! Why do you sound so unsure?"
"You're such an idiot yams." Kei scoffed at his friend.
Another pout. It seemed to be Yamiguchi's favourite facial expression.
He really looked perfect. So incredibly beautiful. Angelic.
"H-hey yams?"
"W-would you be my boyfriend?"
Yamiguchi chocked on the fries he was currently shoving into his mouth and stared at his friend in astonishment. Did tsukki really just say that.
It had to be a joke,right?
Why would tsukki want him, someone so pathetic and useless. Why?
It didn't make any sense.

Kei slapped a hand over his mouth. He hadn't meant to actually say it. He was going to insult the boy over being such a messy eater. He didn't mean to do this. Did he just mess everything up.
"Does that make this a date then tsukki?" Both boys cheeks glowed red.
"Y-yeah I guess this is a date then dashi."
"You seem to like that word a lot."
"It's the only one that comes even slightly close to describing you tsukishima kei."
Laying on kei's bed snuggled close together seemed a daily thing now.
They had been together for 2 months now. It was December.
Tadashi felt the grip around his hand grow tighter.
"What's wrong kei?"
"Yes there is. What is it,love?"
"Always and forever?"
Yama giggled and sat up, taking the boys hand in his own and linking there pinkies. He then placed a gentle kiss on the boys thump where their hands crossed over each other's.
"Always and forever my love."

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