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"Hey yams, I'm glad you're alright. We were worried about you yesterday." Suga's voice rang through the gym as soon as the two boys entered.
"Y-yeah sorry about that. I didn't mean to worry anyone. I just get a little nervous with thunder storms." He let out a nervous laugh.
"Can we just practice now."
"Yeah nekoma will be here soon."
They were to have a practice match with nekoma. Again.
It would be exhausting, but if they could win it would be amazing. They'd be able to beat a power house school.
They were all hoping they could win. Maybe,just maybe,there was a chance.
Yamiguchi had gotten really good at spikes. Hinita's jump was getting better and he was now able to block.
Tsukishima was perfecting his blocking.
They could do it.
Nekoma was at set point but Karusono still had a chance,right? They could still turn this around and win. They could do it.
Then kenma did his infamous setter dunk.
It wasn't an official match,so why did it hurt them all so much. Make the whole team feel so weak and useless. It was just a practice match after all.
**** I'm so sorry I can't write matches at all and I don't play volleyball so any incorrect terms I highly apologise for!!!****
"Hey guys it's fine. Next time. Yeah we'll win next time."
~~~~~~time skip next day at practice~~~~~
The olive haired boy stood on the side lines taking a swig of his water before going back to join the others.
"You okay yams? You look pretty tired."
"Don't worry about me tsukki! I'm okay,I promise." He had felt more tired lately. He kept having these absolutely awful headaches keeping him up.
"If you say so. Cmon let's get back to practice, you can't be that thirsty."
He just laughed as a response.
Half way through the second half of practice he had to stop. Clutching his head and trying not to fall to the floor. Great another headache.
"Yamiguchi! What's wrong?" Tsukki and the rest of the team rushed over. Black dots scattered his vision. The ball dropped to the floor as one hand at his head soon wasn't enough and there needed to be two. His legs started giving out on him. Strong arms caught him. Yams was pulled into tsukki's lap yet again. Fat tears rolled down his freckled checks. It hurt so bad.
All he could do was cry. He must look so pathetic right now. Not that he cared, his head felt like it was exploding so who cares how he looked. The pain wouldn't stop at all. Not even a little.
Every tear was wiped away by kei. The blonde didn't want tears corrupting the boys face. 

After a good ten minutes of sitting like that the pain finally started to die down. He was okay again.
"What happened Yamiguchi?" Daichi said calmly.
"Just a headache! Don't worry I'm okay." He wasn't.
"I don't believe you." Tsukishima stated and walked out of the gym.
He was terrified. Something was wrong. Very wrong. No one could see them,but they didn't have to in order to know they were there, but tears started to fall the second Yamiguchi was okay. He had to leave before people noticed.

"You really scared me dashi." He laughed whilst crying.
The relief of the boy being okay again overwhelmed him. What on earth just happened, was not just a headache. A headache does not make you fall to the floor and scream and cry in pain. Even a migraine shouldn't do that. Yamiguchi would tell him, wouldn't he? Tsukki promised he'd always be there, he meant that promise with every bit of his body. He would never break that promise.

"You're an idiot dashi. You had me so worried. So so scared. I didn't know what happened. You were just hurting. I couldn't help you. There's nothing I can do. But...
But you're gonna be okay. I know you will tada. You have to be. You can't leave me... please?" Kei was now just sitting on the roof sobbing, talking it himself. Fear had consumed him now. He was overreacting. It was just a headache. It had to be...

"Do you think he's coming back?" Kageyama asked the group.
"No" everyone said except one.
"Yes" Yamiguchi knew he'd be back. He'd come get yams like nothing had happened and then walk him home.
"Yams!" The door flung up to reveal tsukishima. Tear stains were very evident on his face.
"Coming tsukki!"

"Can I hold your hand tsukki? Mine are pretty cold and I forgot my gloves." The freckled teen giggled.
No verbal response. Tsukki had heard though. He grabbed the boys hand and intertwined their fingers.
"Don't you dare tell anyone about this,got it!?"
"Of course Tsukki. I understand."
The two walked in peaceful silence. It wasn't awkward in the slightest. It was just calm and quiet. The whole world revolves around them at this moment. Everything else was just static. Nothing mattered as long as they had each other.
That would be a rule forever.

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