Twenty Four - What Life?

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Before I start the chapter off, I just want to say how much all your comments on my recent update meant to me. I actually tested up reading some of them. You guys are my family and I'm sorry I didn't respond to your messages or comments, but it'd just be so much work to thank you all individually and I don't want to single anybody out by responding to just certain people and not other. So a massive thank you to everyone who is supporting me right now. It means a lot, like you guys don't understand. Like I only have a few people I trust in my life today, and if it weren't for all you guys to keep me going, I don't know where I'd be. I love love LOVE you all so much, and those of you who commented saying you're going through similar situations, let's just all pray for each other and never let each other go. Because you are all so beautiful and even if I don't know you personally, I love each and every one of you. SO much.



"Everly, call me back. I need to talk to you... I love you."

It was his twenty sixth voice message in the past two days, and since he was leaving town this weekend, I don't know what I was going to say to him.

I skipped school yesterday, but I couldn't just skip the rest of the week until I didn't have to face him anymore, so I got up this morning, put on my pants, and drove to school with Chelsea.

I quit my job at the bakery after moving in with Chelsea, and I didn't need to babysit the twins anymore since they're now involved in after school programs, so I had a lot more time to sleep now.

But also a lot of time to think about things I didn't want to think about.

Like Luke. When you think about it, it's so weird and dumb that I'm sleeping with my teacher. I guess I shouldn't label it as just "sleeping" with him, because I guess we were in a pretty serious relationship, but it was just hard to wrap my head around. I didn't want to be dating my teacher, but Luke just has this thing about him, and I love that.

I love him.

I fell in love with him and everything about him makes me happy, and he makes me feel okay, and God dammit, I love him so fucking much.

I love his eyes, they're the prettiest blue, every time I look at them I freaking think about sparkling blue ice you see in the cliché movies that you want to scoff at because the real thing looks nothing like that, but you're so in awe by the beauty it holds that you don't want to think of anything else about how fuckïng beautiful it is.

His smile- it took my breath away, and his fuckïng giggle.

I'm not going to talk about how his giggle sounds like freaking angels singing because I don't need to handle that at eight in the morning.

I love the way he made me feel.

I loved him. So much.

Which is why saying goodbye is going to be so hard.

I felt Chelsea put her hand on my leg and smile at me. I smile back. She knew about Luke leaving, and I told her everything.


"You're not going!?" Chelsea exclaims standing up from the table, chair flying back into the wall, creating a loud bang that had me cringing.

"My life is here Chels..." I mumble, looking down at my hands in my lap.

"What life? I'm sorry Ever, you know I love you and it'd break my heart to see you leave... But I really do think it's in your best interest for you to go with him. You're carrying his child, and even if he quit his job and stayed here, people would talk..." She runs her hand through her dark hair, before reaching for mine, and rubbing her thumb over my knuckles.

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