Twenty Nine - Surprise

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I woke up in the arms of the man I loved, I smiled and curled deeper into his arms.

"Morning," he mumbles groggily, kissing my hair. I mumble an incoherent response and trace patterns on his shoulder blades with my finger tips.

"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He mutters and I giggle slightly.

"Once or twice," I say and pull back to see him smiling and looking down at me with tired eyes.

"I guess we should get up and start our day, yeah?" I say and he groans, pulling me close to him again and I giggle pushing away and standing up. I throw on his flannel and a pair of panties and turn to him to see him sliding on a pair of jeans and rummaging through his drawers for a shirt.

"I'm wearing this today," I announce and he turns around after picking out a black tank top, chuckling.

"Okay, love," he says and smiles.

"I've got to get registered for school tomorrow..." I groan, realizing it was Sunday.

"I'd come with but...." he trails off and I shrug.

"It's good, but I'm going to go put some pants on. I'll meet you in the kitchen," I kiss his cheek and watch as he goes to check his phone while I disappear.

When I was in my room I looked through my suitcase for my tights with the rips in them. Well Luke's mom's old tights. But I'd grown to love them.

I whistled as I walked down the stairs, in a surprisingly good mood. I loved Luke so much, and I knew nothing could ever ruin that.

I entered the kitchen to see him at the sink with his back turned to me. I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Want me to make some breakfast, babe?" I ask and he roughly shoves me off of him.

"Don't call me that," he spits and turns to me with anger in his eyes. I blink, confused as to what just happened.

"Luke.." I speak, and his nostrils flared as his breathing picked up speed, his chest heaving.

"What's the matter, babe?" I try to ask, but that just makes him more upset.

"I said don't fucking call me that!" He screams and whips a plate that was on the counter in my direction. Not intentionally, but it landed behind me as I dodged it and it shattered on the ground.

"What is your problem?" I snap, eyes narrowing.

"What's my problem?" He repeats, laughing viciously.

"Maybe I wouldn't have a problem if you weren't fucking Mavie," he says and a confused look breaks a crops my face.

"Luke, what are you fucking talking about?" I raise my voice now.

"This! This is what I'm talking about!" He says, shoving his phone in my face. I look at the small screen and my eyes widen, tears filling them as I saw the video before me.

It was from last year, before I even met Luke. Mavie had talked me into recording a video of us... Being intimate. She said it would be for us only, and a week later it was all over Facebook, and Twitter and just about every social media site for the whole world to see.

"Luke, no, you don't understand-" I go to try and correct this whole mishap.
"No, you don't understand!" He cuts me off, I've never seen him so.... angry.

"While I was at home thinking about how much I loved you, you were out screwing Mavie?! And you had the balls to record it?! I don't know who you are, but are not the girl I fell in love with." He hisses violently. I take a step back and blink through my blurry vision.

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