Twenty Seven - Australia

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We were here.

We were finally here, and I couldn't believe it. So far away from my home, my parents, Chelsea... It was all so overwhelming, but Luke's family was super nice, they also think I'm too young for Luke.

Of course they would, why would an eighteen year old be dating a twenty three year old, it even seemed suspicious. But fortunately for us, they didn't ask any questions, I noticed that as open as they were, they were more of the don't ask don't tell kind of people. Which I was more than grateful for, plus, it's not like the age gap was illegal here. 

"Babe?" I hear, followed by a knock on my bedroom door. They made Luke and I sleep in separate rooms, which is kind of ridiculous since I was already pregnant, but I planned on respecting his parents since we were living in their house.

"Yeah, come in," I respond as I slid on a pair of shorts, squeezing the buttons together with a grunt and then letting out a heavy breath. 

"You okay?" Luke chuckles, I glare at him.

"No, I'm not okay. I'm getting fat." I pout, and he shrugs, sitting on my bed.

"I don't care what size you are, you're always going to be beautiful to me," he smiles and I shake me head, laughing slightly.

"You're smooth, Hemmings," I say, and he smirks while approaching me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Well it's true," he pecks my nose, "you're just so gorgeous."

"Luke," I giggle, swatting him away when he rubs his beard scruff against my neck.

"Ahem," we hear someone clear their throat and I look to see Liz standing there with a content yet annoyed smile on her face.

"Mom," Luke nods and smiles, I push him off me and give her a friendly smile.

"Breakfast is ready children," she tells us and I nod while Luke groans.

"I'm not a child anymore mom," Luke whines, I roll my eyes and walk towards his mom.

"Yeah, you sure sound like one." I send him a smile, and his mom laughs and we walk down the stairs together. 

"So, how are you liking Australia so far?" She asks, and I shrug. I've been here for about five days, and Luke and I were spending those days settling in and I was getting adjusted to leaving behind my life. So far, I haven't let Luke see me cry once.

"It's nice, I don't really like the heat, but that's because I'm a winter baby. But the scenery here is so beautiful and mesmerizing, I can't wait to go sight seeing," I smile at her and fill my plate with eggs and bacon.

"I hear Luke has quite the weekend planned for you," she smiles at me and I blink. Luke said we weren't venturing around the city until next week.

"He does?" I ask and she freezes.

"Shoot! I din't think it was a surprise, oh gosh. Forget I ever said anything," she covers her mouth as Luke walks in.

"Said anything about what, mother?" he asks and she frowns at him. It takes him a moment before he realizes that she gave away the secret. 

Groaning, he speaks. 

"Really, mom? I had genuinely tried to surprise her," he sighs and sits down next to me. 

"It's okay, Luke. You have the rest of your life to surprise me," I whisper as his mom leaves the kitchen, and send him a sweet smile, he smiles back and leans over to kiss me.

"By the way," he speaks, "I do have a weekend planned for us. And Saturday night is intensely romantic," he winks and my heart melts. 

"Yes? And what might Saturday night hold?" I ask, but doubt that he was going to tell me.

"Just because you know we're going somewhere, doesn't mean I'm going to give away the destination." He chuckles and I sigh, before remembering what today was.

"Luke," I start, he turns to look at me, mouth full of eggs, "I have a surprise for you too."

"What is it?" he asks and I tsk him.

"You think I'm going to give away the surprise?" I ask, and he sighs. I laugh, I had to tell him.

 "Fine, but only because I have no idea where anywhere is in this city," I finish my last bite and look to him.

"Before we left, I researched some hospitals here just so that I could make an appointment," he gives me a puzzled look. "Luke, my first ultra sound is today."

"What?" he breathes, then tackles me in the biggest bear hug, I laugh. 

"Babe, that's so exciting, I'm so excited when is it?" he asks and I laugh at his fast speech.

"One, so eat up, get ready and we can go."

"I love you so much," he tells me, holding my face in his hands. I smile and close my eyes briefly, leaning into his touch before opening my eyes again and placing a hand on his.

"I love you too,"



I have A LOT planned for the rest of this book, and as long as you guys can hold off and wait a little, then you better be prepared for a roller costar of emotions my friends.

Also, I want to give you guys fan names, you know like Directioners or how we're the 5SOS Fam, but I suck at the kind of stuff soooooooooooooo.

My names Haley (obviously) and I was thinking like the H squad. But that's sooooooooo dumb, anyways, this brings me to my QOTC.

QOTC: What should I call you guys?

Much love


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