twenty five - "You're drunk"

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I woke up today with a bad feeling and as much as I tried to brush it away it just kept coming back. I went downstairs to play with Neo a bit because babies always made me happy and he was a ball of sunshine.

"Is everything alright? You look sad" I heard my mom say when she sat beside me and smiled at Neo.

"Yeah, uh it's just school, we have a lot of homework" I said and she nodded.

"If you need to talk about anything, I'm always here for you sweetheart"

"I know, mom," I said and smiled as he held my hand.

"Ma-ma" we heard Neo say and we both chuckled.

After a while, Agnes and her Husband, Toby came down and we all ate breakfast and when we were done I went up to my room to clean a bit.

I was feeling unusually depressed today, it's probably because of that jerk- nevermind Willow, it's just Sargents usual mood swings. He really needs to check on his bipolar issues.

When I was finally done with cleaning I layed down on my bed and started reading, "If I was your girl" by Meredith Russo. Ironic I know, the book is about a girl who starts at a new school and she finds herself chatting up with the school's heartthrob. Not in my situation, I wish I was chatting up with the school's heartthrob but instead I'm stuck with a guy who brings different personalities to school everyday. Everytime I hangout with Sargent even a little bit my mind gets way too tired, it's like I have to adapt my words and actions to not trigger him. I thought we had stopped with our bickering and outbursts but I guess we're back on where we started.

"I know when we kissed I felt warm all over, like when you sit too close to a campfire" Grant said to Amanda and my mind took me to the bye bye summer party. When Sargent kissed me I felt warm too, it was like my skin was on fire and my heart was beating so fast I was scared that I was about to pass out. I feel weird every time he's around me and It's like he's around me wherever I go and as much as I hate the way he is, this short amount of time I've gotten used to him, weirdly.

At the time when he kissed me I thought I felt that way because it was my first kiss, literally. But now that I've felt stuff every time he touched me or looked at me, I-

No. Stop with these thoughts, Willow.

"I'm gonna kiss you now" Grant said softly "Is that okay?"

"O-okay enough reading today, time for a jog" I said.

Before I could even get up from the bed I heard my phone go off and I picked it up and saw that Ruby was calling.

"Hello" I replied

"Good morning! I'm sure you heard about the race yesterday and it's tonight and you're coming" she said and I shook my head.

"Ruby, I'm not sure that's a good idea after what happened yesterday, I really don't want to infuriate Sargent even more"

"Infuriate? Shut up, you did him a favor, his thirst for death is killing everyone around him, he needs to stop acting so tough everytime something happens and get used to people caring about him"

"I-I don't care about hi-"

"Yeah, yeah, you're coming, bye, I'll pick you up at midnight and I'm guessing you have to sneak out - so be quiet" she ended the call.

Ugh, I hope he doesn't make a scene about me being there.


"Finally, you're here" Ruby said when I got into the car and I chuckled.

"Hello, Cody, excited for the race?" I asked when Cody looked at me.

He chuckled, "Of course, Sargent will eat Ryan alive" he said and started the car.

When we arrived at the new location, where the race was being held it was already packed with dangerous looking people and I spotted Sargent right away with Samantha clinging onto him.

"Here we go again" Ruby murmured and we started walking towards them, well I was practically hiding behind Cody and Ruby.

"Hello guysss" I heard Sargent say and my heart stopped, since when did he talk like that?

I walked forward from behind Cody and Ruby and I could smell the alcohol on Sargent from a mile away.

"You're drunk," I said and he let out a loud laugh, surprising everyone.

He looked, unusually happy. Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing that people are happy - even when drunk- but Sargent on the other hand never had this, dangerous look of happiness in his eyes. I was worrie-

"Here we go again with Edwards being in my business as always" he walked closer to me practically pushing Samantha -who was throwing death glares at me- aside. "Don't you understand, you're making things harder for me, your presence i-it's"

"Oookay, buddy let's get you some water" Cody interrupted him and I raised an eyebrow, what was he going to say?

When Cody and Ruby walked away with Sargent, Samantha was still staring at me.

"What?" I said and her eyes widened.

"You shouldn't be here, you're not even friends with Sargent"

"I was invited, and I don't have to be his friend to be here". "You're acting way too tough for someone who almost ended up killing me" I said, which made her look alarmed but luckily she stopped talking.

The race was about to start and I was not looking forward to a drunk Sargent racing against angry Ryan who would do anything to win. As much as I hate how weak this makes me sound, I was worrying about Sargent, his impulses had no limits even when he sober, I can't imagine his impulses when he's drunk.

It will kill me till the end of my life if I stood here - knowing that he was intoxicated- that I let him attend the race, without someone beside him.

I watched his shaking hands, open the door to his car and get ready at the start zone. I had to do something since no one even dared to step in and tell him that he was doing something dangerous.

I jogged to his car and got in, "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going to race with you"

"No, you're not, Edwards, get out of my fucking car!" he yelled, punching the steering wheel.

Before I could reply we heard Ryan's car pull up beside us and the countdown was starting.

"It's a bit late for that now"

I guess Willow really cares for Sargent, huh

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I guess Willow really cares for Sargent, huh.

Thank you for reading chapter 25, I hope you liked it!!!:)

Lots of love<3// D.E

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